It seems that there are people who take out card loans and invest. It's in the millions, but if there are more people, their profits will also increase. It's worrisome when you might be cut off. I don't want to go into debt for a loan!
It seems that there are people who take out card loans and invest. It's in the millions, but if there are more people, their profits will also increase. It's worrisome when you might be cut off. I don't want to go into debt for a loan!
They first need to prove to the group members that it is profitable. This is probably just the bait for the actual start. Looking at the recent movements of the group, they seem to be more cautious than before and are not mentioning the main goal easily.
They first need to prove to the group members that it is profitable. This is probably just the bait for the actual start. Looking at the recent movements of the group, they seem to be more cautious than before and are not mentioning the main goal easily.
It is not clear whether this is the mastermind of this case, but 63 members of the fraud group have been busted, right? I hope they continue to be busted steadily like this. I hope they are put in prison for life and never released into society again. It's difficult, though.
Japan is the target! The first crackdown on an investment fraud group posing as celebrities. Japanese people are thought to be easily deceived!
Japan is the target! The first crackdown on an investment fraud group posing as celebrities. Japanese people are thought to be easily deceived! (Fumiaki Tada) - Expert - Yahoo! News
It is not clear whether this is the mastermind of this case, but 63 members of the fraud group have been busted, right? I hope they continue to be busted steadily like this. I hope they are put in prison for life and never released into society again. It's difficult, though.
Japan is the target! The first crackdown on an investment fraud group posing as celebrities. Japanese people are thought to be easily deceived!
Japan is the target! The first crackdown on an investment fraud group posing as celebrities. Japanese people are thought to be easily deceived! (Fumiaki Tada) - Expert - Yahoo! News
$CA CULTURAL (01566.HK)$
Seems to be starting today. Be careful of sharp declines after the rise.
Seems to be starting today. Be careful of sharp declines after the rise.
$Lixiang Education (LXEH.US)$
Scam groups are once again using this bulletin board to deceive everyone and make a profit. If you look at some of the conversations here, you will see that they are very similar to Line conversations. I believe there are several fake accounts here. Be careful not to become a secondary victim. They are individuals with no sense of self-esteem, pride, or shame, who only care about making money. Do not trust what others say and do not reveal any of your information. The moment you show your information, you lose. They lurk in the shadows and devise some scheme behind the scenes. They are despicable bastards.
Scam groups are once again using this bulletin board to deceive everyone and make a profit. If you look at some of the conversations here, you will see that they are very similar to Line conversations. I believe there are several fake accounts here. Be careful not to become a secondary victim. They are individuals with no sense of self-esteem, pride, or shame, who only care about making money. Do not trust what others say and do not reveal any of your information. The moment you show your information, you lose. They lurk in the shadows and devise some scheme behind the scenes. They are despicable bastards.
$Lixiang Education (LXEH.US)$
Is it finally time for the fall? It seems like they are not aware that the lie has been exposed. I was told to buy and buy because it will go over $10 from the Line messages, but the Japanese was also strange, and it was obvious that it was some kind of scam group.
Is it finally time for the fall? It seems like they are not aware that the lie has been exposed. I was told to buy and buy because it will go over $10 from the Line messages, but the Japanese was also strange, and it was obvious that it was some kind of scam group.
$Lixiang Education (LXEH.US)$
It seems to start today
It seems to start today