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This event is to help mooers learn more about the differences among companies and industries, uncover hidden investment opportunities, and better navigate the market.
With concerns about the economy and interest rates prompting a defensive approach, consumer staples was the best-performing sector in the S&P 500 in April 2023. In May, however, giant technology stocks continued to rise in the market and consumer staples began to turn lower. Wit...
With concerns about the economy and interest rates prompting a defensive approach, consumer staples was the best-performing sector in the S&P 500 in April 2023. In May, however, giant technology stocks continued to rise in the market and consumer staples began to turn lower. Wit...

美股小王 : A: FIZZ; B: COCO; C: CELH. Market cap: C>A>B. Comment: Celsius shows a strong potential for future market. Its market cap is more than the sun of National Beverage Corp and Vita coco.