padawan k
This time of year one should reflect on how short our lives really are and remember what is important in life. To see that in the end stocks, money and power are all fleeting. Never let these three things consume your life instead always make sure the people you surround yourself with bring joy into your life. The Dalai Lama once said "If we choose an external marker as the measure of our inner worth, whether it is the amount of money we make, or others' opinion of...
padawan k
I had the same as everyone this year-ups and downs. And I doubt anyone wants to hear me go on and on about making this amount of money on an investment or losing this amount because it has no benefit(value) for them. But I can say that lately I have been using the paper trading more by copying my trades to it to get a better feel of the price action which seems to be a bit better in tune with the market than my watchlist.
Also heres what ...
Also heres what ...

padawan k
Times have changed so fast and so much the stock market is not even recognizable from as close as 5 years back. A top investor back then would be in an unknown world if they were thrust thru time into today and would have fallen to the bottom in the investing world.
Back then when hedge funds suspected a market correction or a crash there would be what was called a "flight to safety." This would be a moving of investment capital from stocks int...
Back then when hedge funds suspected a market correction or a crash there would be what was called a "flight to safety." This would be a moving of investment capital from stocks int...
padawan k
As it becomes easier and easier to spread ideas the more difficult it becomes to continue the right of free speech. Should people be allowed to put videos up that are clearly wrong and misleading under the guise of free speech? I couldnt imagine using youtube as a basis for my information on stocks. The main problem being that companies now hire a third party investment company in order to give their stock shares to people willing to say whatever it takes ...
padawan k
commented on
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ jim Cramer go fudge urself
padawan k OP : soon