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Does anyone find it interesting that citibank had purchases after the suspension?
Does anyone find it interesting that citibank had purchases after the suspension?

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scam tracking... good idea??
I'm thinking of starting a group of people that kind of purposely join these groups like join 2 or 3 at the same time get the buy in stocks from the scammers then we share the tickers and buy prices when they 1st give them out.
I'm in 2 groups right now and in one group they will give a lower buy in price than the other group then on the next trade will swap (group 2 has a lower buy in than group 1) then the next it will be exactly the same....
scam tracking... good idea??
I'm thinking of starting a group of people that kind of purposely join these groups like join 2 or 3 at the same time get the buy in stocks from the scammers then we share the tickers and buy prices when they 1st give them out.
I'm in 2 groups right now and in one group they will give a lower buy in price than the other group then on the next trade will swap (group 2 has a lower buy in than group 1) then the next it will be exactly the same....
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It seems all the scammer groups have gone silent now.
It seems it was a well coordinated and timed the scam.
After the 01069 and RETO crash, all the scammers have gone silent.
Just saying what I am seeing in other groups but I may not be 100% right.
It seems it was a well coordinated and timed the scam.
After the 01069 and RETO crash, all the scammers have gone silent.
Just saying what I am seeing in other groups but I may not be 100% right.
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$CN HEALTH TECH (01069.HK)$ ok so guys that is what some people and I found. There is only one shareholder of 1069 ( Huang Hou) formely know as Huang Xuefang. it is believed that she might have had conflicts with the new boards because she lended money to the company in August 2022. In may/june 2023 the company annouced a capital restructuring and stated that it wouldnt make any payment of paid up capital to its shareholders (Hou).
This might have pissed off HOU since she was losing money. S...
This might have pissed off HOU since she was losing money. S...

$CN HEALTH TECH (01069.HK)$ I was hoping we could atleast get back what we have in our account as of now. I talked to a rep and we can't do anything while its on halt status.
What we really need to know if the news about the company is true? if we know that it would help on what to do when it opens. if anyone has any news please post. anyone here from Hong Kong that can check on this company?
What we really need to know if the news about the company is true? if we know that it would help on what to do when it opens. if anyone has any news please post. anyone here from Hong Kong that can check on this company?
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So, everyone that got caught in this scam. When it comes online again what is your plan of action? try to sell at market, sell with limit or wait and see how it plays out. all these things are going through my head and can't decide what to do.
So, everyone that got caught in this scam. When it comes online again what is your plan of action? try to sell at market, sell with limit or wait and see how it plays out. all these things are going through my head and can't decide what to do.
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$CN HEALTH TECH (01069.HK)$it has operating cash increased by 1764%.This means money has been pumped in last half.

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Has anyone lucky enough to inquire with any legal expert in Hong Kong? What are the laws in Hong Kong stock exchange for companies to halt trading for longer period of time? what is the time line for the company can halt the transaction without notifying the reason for halt? Can stock exchange or legal authority take any legal actions against the company and the directors if they fail to comp...
Has anyone lucky enough to inquire with any legal expert in Hong Kong? What are the laws in Hong Kong stock exchange for companies to halt trading for longer period of time? what is the time line for the company can halt the transaction without notifying the reason for halt? Can stock exchange or legal authority take any legal actions against the company and the directors if they fail to comp...
73391671 OP SmileBaba : if they are buying than that is good for us!
73391671 OP VH need to recover : in the chart view, click on the shareholder ratio. then you can click on any one and it will show buying and selling history.
73391671 OP Holeinmypocket : I agree, but how than are they buying and selling?. I read that if a stock is delisted it could still be traded OTC, if you can find a buyer. I wonder if that works for suspension as well? I have no experience in OTC so don't know.
73391671 OP Holeinmypocket : anyway you look at it, I still think it is good news for us, buying is good. Also, let's not forget the acquisition could still be true and citibank knows about it and is investing. I'm sure that's wishful thinking but it's the only thing that is keeping me sane. I've never had so many swings of emotion and realizing how dumb i was.
73391671 OP edpgreece : it's on moomoo, look at the above comments
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