NIO, in my opinion, will forever be in the EV race. 💃🏾First bought at $3.50 and still holding. I will definitely continue to take advantage of the dips. 📉 NIO is a young company that know where they are now and will make it to the finish line 🚘 ahead of some of the larger EV competitors. Don't count them out.. more positive than negatives for NIO.. In my opinion.. 💥 Let's gooo! I am rooting for you NIO..
💃🏾Love #TESLA for long-term hold, DCA and Option plays. What I got from TID presentation is TESLA sees industry competition. They are now making sure they learn from any operational shortfalls in order to move forward with Master Plan 3 efficiently. TESLA is still the BIG Dawg on the EV sector.. in my opinion.
😀 I am excited about being a part of the family. 🧤I am looking forward to growing my skills in TA and Options. 💯💃🏾