$BOZZA DEVELOP (01069.HK)$ so "David Schuster" just reached out to me on whatsapp offering compensation. it's just another piece of the scam, don't buy it. stay smart.
$Femasys (FEMY.US)$ at this point, 34 minutes to market open, it's showing pre market of 1.18, price of 1.48+1.1484. so what should we expect to happen? is it going to open at or nearer 1.18, or 2.62?
$BOZZA DEVELOP (01069.HK)$ oh God here we go again 🤢😅
$BOZZA DEVELOP (01069.HK)$ keeps giving me some bullshit about price "out of range", and canceling my order once placed
$BOZZA DEVELOP (01069.HK)$ I encourage everyone to head to the announcements section, the Bozza board just dropped more details. I perused quickly on my cell phone but didn't yet see a resumption date picked out. this does give me hope that perhaps the acquisition is real and the scammers aren't related to Bozza
$Palisade Bio (PALI.US)$ what does circuit breaker mean? tried to execute a trade and it told me suspended?
this was 5 seconds of Google. I'm sure there are other cheaper options further down in search results. speaking to an HK expert is I think the only way to get an idea what kind of timeline we're looking at, or if it's all a scam after all.
this was 5 seconds of Google. I'm sure there are other cheaper options further down in search results. speaking to an HK expert is I think the only way to get an idea what kind of timeline we're looking at, or if it's all a scam after all.

psm5888 OP Jst4Walt : go in soft bro, don't spook him. +1 (323) 330-5732
psm5888 OP : I texted him in Chinese. "sure thing, 'david'"
psm5888 OP DFWM : agreed . I was just irritated he reached out, out of the blue, months after I lost my entire savings account and am working hard to replenish it... it's an obvious scam
psm5888 OP 72764373 : I'll start texting asshole pics to all of them with Chinese captions
psm5888 OP carguydog : haha what does that even mean? she claims she has your money in crypto? this assholes are crazy to think someone is gonna fall for their shit after what they pulled.