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74216494 Private ID: 74216494
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    $NIO-SW(09866.HK)$Another good day for me. Covered my short from yesterday. Always SHORTing on a reasonable uptick. "The Leading ZERO" of NIO is with me. NIO can not make money selling (a few) cars. But I can make money selling NIO shares. To be bought back next day, cheaper.
    $NIO-SW(09866.HK)$Wow, now selling coffee. May be, that will be more profitable than selling cars. And to make coffee is easier than to make cars. Pathetic. Sponsored by f... foreign investors. And implemented by "The Leading ZERO" of NIO, who does everything not to make profits. THANK YOU for a laughing SHORT.
    $NIO-SW(09866.HK)$ NIO soon will have the same market cap as XPEV. What a disaster. But "The Leading ZERO" of NIO does not care. In Japan, he would have had to use his katana on himself, already.
    $NIO-SW(09866.HK)$ still on the highway to hell. When already years ago, I posted on yahoo the advice to switch from NIO to LI, at the times, when NIO was even more expensive than LI, many posters were laughing at me. Now I have to laugh. Selling NIO, either shorting or buying PUTs, is the only way to make money with this stock. As long as "The Leading ZERO" Mr. LiE, is still at the helm, NIO stands for No Investment Opportunity.
    $NIO-SW(09866.HK)$Another proof, that an investor can only make riskless money when SHORTing NIO. For years already. May be, Mr.. LiE is SHORT himself ?
    $NIO-SW(09866.HK)$ Closed just 3cts. above Low of the Year(s). Who in Europe should buy a NIO car, from a company, which might not be around in a year ? The CEO destroyed 50% of NIOs value during this year already. Is there anything like business honor in CN ? In JP, the CEO would have used his Katana already on himself.
    $NIO-SW(09866.HK)$What a shame, Mr. LiE. During first quarter of 2024 _LESS_ cars sold than during same period one year ago. Dropping sales, crashing PPS. Down 50% during Q1 of 2024. What a success story. In Germany we say: "The fish stinks from its head".
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