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Anson B Private ID: 74314056
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    $Instacart(Maplebear) (CART.US)$ This company does not understand how to provide better service to high-quality customers, only focusing on reducing and squeezing the labor and profits of individual contractors. 90% of the orders in the market are unprofitable, with no money to be made. Always bundling customers who do not tip with those who tip well when placing orders for contractors, this behavior is very off-putting. It results in customers willing to tip not receiving better service. There is now an increasing number of customers who do not tip, leading to no one willing to take these orders. Individual contractors cannot make money and are even less willing to provide better service, causing a situation where no one wants to take on low-quality orders and a massive loss of high-quality customers. Continuing with such operational management strategies will certainly lead to ruins. This company's operational strategy treats individual contractors as fools, without realizing that when you treat others as fools, you are the biggest fool. At present, this company does not seem to have any operational strategies that could lead to quality growth. Currently not bullish on this company, unless they change to a CEO who understands operations! The market might not speak, but it will give you a ruthless answer.
    Despite a dip in revenue, Forge Global Holdings' high P/S ratio indicates investors' anticipation of robust future growth. If analysts' predictions hold true, strong revenue forecasts could keep the share price afloat.
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