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74659814 Private ID: 74659814
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    $Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc. (FFIE.US)$ Everytime options king and his boot licking buddies try to bring us down, we climb back up. just waiting to get blocked from him, garuntee that's coming soon 🤣 little baby can't take anyone having a different view than him. watch us climb, we are stronger together than they are.
    $Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc. (FFIE.US)$ So happy to have bought in when I did. This is a wild ride and I love it. FFIE has great potential as a company especially once vehicles are being delivered, their more affordable cars are more available, they receive new funding from investors, and they bridge the China US bridge. I want this company to succeed, not only for my gains but for theirs as well. They deserve a chance in the EV market in my opinion as they want to build actual qual...
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