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Akim31 Private ID: 181384472
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    Akim31 Set a live reminder
    $NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ A financial results briefing for the 2nd quarter of fiscal year 2025 is scheduled to be held at 6:00 a.m. on 2024/8/29 (Thursday) Japan time. This briefing sessionIt will be distributed in subtitle translation format. If you would like to watch it,“reservation”Click on the button.
    ◆ Precautions
    The content of this live show is provided by a subtitle translation service for customer convenience. Subtitles are generated using Microsoft Azure (Microsoft Azure) and Amazon Translate (Amazon Translate). No warranty of any kind, express or implied, is made with respect to the accuracy, reliability, or accuracy of English to Japanese machine translations. If damage is suffered due to translated content, we are not responsible for such damage. Please keep this in mind when watching.
    Nvidia Q2 Earnings Call for Fiscal Year 2025 (subtitled translation)
    Aug 28 16:00
    I think the 2020s will shift from the era of large stocks to the era of small-cap stocks.
    However, since small-cap stocks are different from large stocks, and buy and hold strategies are difficult to apply, I think investment skills will be required more than ever.
    So I wrote “The Secret of Buffett Taro Ryūmai Small Growth Stock Investment,” so please read it if you like.
    Please see ↓ here ↓ for report grant conditions, etc.
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    Expose someone's remarks and abominations and hit them as if they were all stopping by.
    There are people on SNS who take that kind of thing as a hobby, but this is because people who haven't achieved anything in real life can get a kind of pleasure that makes them feel like they've achieved something.
    The only thing people who don't like working, have bad relationships at work, and can't even be given a chance to take on challenges, just do what the company tells them to do is create virtual enemies and say, “This guy is bad!” The only thing I do is raise my voice on the internet.
    People who take their lives seriously and work hard don't care about others, so they don't waste time or effort on such things. In other words, the person hitting evil (an entity that looks like) on SNS is “My life is miserable!” It's the same as screaming.
    Your 20s and 30s are a very important time in your life. If you have time to spend time on such silly things, it's much healthier for your mental health if you change your environment by changing jobs, etc., or earn money through side jobs.
    $NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ NVIDIA stock has established itself as a leader in AI, data centers, and gaming. These fields are expected to grow in the future, and progress in AI technology in particular will further increase demand for NVIDIA GPUs. Additionally, expansion into new markets such as autonomous vehicles and virtual reality supports NVIDIA's growth potential. Therefore, from a long-term perspective, holding NVIDIA shares can be said to be a promising investment strategy. I asked GPT to say that.
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