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BigBizyBee Private ID: 152245051
I’m a strong swimmer in a big pond, aspires to grow & take steps yet still float.Ability to regrow after a blow-Axolotl
    Don’t get moo comfortable in my hide, i’ll let u feel what its like to bee in number 3, but I’m coming back…….no bull about that!
    OooMG…Did i not sell myself enough? Did anyone not hear me when i said:-“Watch out Nō.1 here i cooome” Well stick a fork in my rump & turn me over when I’m done…. because “Whoop Whoo” or should i say “MooMoo”… I made it to NUMBER ONE!!!!
    Moootown,..I aint got MooMoo Blues featuring Nō.1 . TOP OF THE CHARTS.
    BIG BIZY BEE’S Greatest 💩Hits
    Mooore yield
    moooore yield.
    I love lots of yield
    because it is green.
    Mooore yield
    moooore yield.
    I just like fields of green.
    Moooore yield yes please!
    Moooore yield yes please!
    Moooore yield yes please!
    I been kicking rumps & searing steaks like a mad cow to reach & stay atop at the MooMoo Ranking Penthouse where i intend to let my beefy position mature gracefully. Unlike my unstoppable attitude last week when at close of market Friday, I was Nō.1 on the weekly leaderboard & Nō.3 on the P/L leaderboard & I thought my 💩 smelt like 🌹. This week there’s no turning Chuck Steak into Ribeye with a Weekly Leaderboard Rank Nō.632. But topping for one week has absolutely made...
    RUMP SEARING SAGA continues!
    RUMP SEARING SAGA continues!
    RUMP SEARING SAGA continues!
    Ive ’talked myself up’ ….all the way to Top Nō.3 Ranking for the Weekly Leaderboard. So I deserve a bit of a ego inflating moment 🤠…..🍾🥉🎤id like to thank my moooum, that crazy guy that waves the red flag (..🚩 Toro Toro), a whole lotta wheatgrass & finally a huge 8sec hug goes out to a hunk of a horny bucking Bull that made my ballsie 🎳 rise to Nō.3 Ranking all possible in this years MooMoo Weekly Leaderboard for Au Stocks Paper Trading Comp March 3-7.
    OoMG I sautéd my rump into Rank Nō.3.
    GIVE ME MOOOORE… Ranked Nō.4.
    Watch out Nō.1….here I coome!
    Mooourningful day! And slid 5 or 6 rumps to unlucky 13th rank. Oh well gotta eat chops sometimes!
    I must of put too much butter in the pan because my Rump is sliding the wrong way! 🍳……Ranked 9 all day today & yesterday falling from Lucky 7th. Maybe i need to thicken my positivity by stirring up my gravy & hopefully it doesn’t go all lumpy!💩
    Ranked 7th after another day of grazing! Just 7 more rumps til numero uno! Not sure on how you say cow in Italian …. maybe ciao!!!