just simply invest in moomoo by itself...😆😆😆

If u invest in stocks/options, u won't think that returns in funds are good enough. Funds (especially equity funds) are investing in stocks as well. And if stocks fall, fund won't grow. Although there are many options for investing in funds that you may choose to. But when the storm comes, everyone is wet! I think diversity is important in any types of investments. But at this moment, hard to say that where to keep your money safe? At least, take some profits (if possible), narrow down your port...
Some choose to stay away and exit the position in the bear market. But I think best is to review the portfolio and take some reactions. Exit from those weak positions/stocks. Zoom-in the good company (and now may have a quite a good discounted in price) then use dollars averaging method to buy slow and average the cost fown the road. The hardest hit may yet to come, save our bullet for the fight but must stay inside to be more caution with the changes ...