$Grab Holdings (GRAB.US)$ which mean all the top management already fix their price the next few years. possiblity go below this price unlikely to happen. usually it will go beyond
$Grab Holdings (GRAB.US)$ grab is back borne to alot of family. if grab collapse .. a lot of people will loss JOB! so keep it n be confident.
$WYCHEN$ msian? look at PMB TECH
$Grab Holdings (GRAB.US)$ then you will know to continue hold or how ? 2yrs ago uber loss money.. its around usd22+.. now start make profit .. share price go above usd80! i expecting grab hit above usd15 in 12 month
$Grab Holdings (GRAB.US)$ my children education find should be ready next 2yrs when hit USD20
my children education should be in time next 2yrs when grab hit USD20