Fundamental investors generally base their investment decisions on the intrinsic value of a stock. They tend to believe that when investing in a stock that is perceived to be undervalued, they are more likely to make a potential profit. Conversely, they believe that buying an 'overvalued' stock poses a higher risk of loss. The company's earnings report can provide insight into a stock's value, and fundamental investors...

Great insights and data. Thank you.
@Seekr: $Advanced Micro Devices (AMD.US)$ $Intel (INTC.US)$ $ASML Holding (ASML.US)$ $Broadcom (AVGO.US)$ $Qualcomm (QCOM.US)$ $Samsung Asia Pacific ex NZ Metaverse Theme ETF (03172.HK)$
The amount of semiconductors and chips which are used for personal computing is not as significant as before and its proportion and margins could decrease, the decline might not affect the market as much as proclaimed by the article.[图片][图片]
The amount of semiconductors and chips which are used for personal computing is not as significant as before and its proportion and margins could decrease, the decline might not affect the market as much as proclaimed by the article.[图片][图片]

Gapping up
In reaction to earnings/guidance:
• $Bowlero (BOWL.US)$ +3.4%
Other news:
• $Intellia Therapeutics (NTLA.US)$ +10.8% (Interim Clinical Data for its Second Systemically Delivered Investigational CRISPR Candidate, NTLA-2002)
• $Gogo Inc (GOGO.US)$ +5% (Repurchases 1.5 million shares of common stock from BlackRock)
• $ADC Therapeutics (ADCT.US)$ +2.9% (ADC Therapeutics and Swedish Orphan Biovitrum AB (BIOVF) confirms positive CHM...
In reaction to earnings/guidance:
• $Bowlero (BOWL.US)$ +3.4%
Other news:
• $Intellia Therapeutics (NTLA.US)$ +10.8% (Interim Clinical Data for its Second Systemically Delivered Investigational CRISPR Candidate, NTLA-2002)
• $Gogo Inc (GOGO.US)$ +5% (Repurchases 1.5 million shares of common stock from BlackRock)
• $ADC Therapeutics (ADCT.US)$ +2.9% (ADC Therapeutics and Swedish Orphan Biovitrum AB (BIOVF) confirms positive CHM...
Inflation Report Keeps Fed on Aggressive Rate-Rise Path
The acceleration in inflation last month clinches the case for the Federal Reserve to lift interest rates by at least 0.75 percentage point at its meeting next week and raises the prospect of hefty increases continuing in coming months.
'They Should Do 100': Wall Street Debates the Fed's Next Rate Move
Tuesday's unexpectedly hot inflation reading virtually assu...
Inflation Report Keeps Fed on Aggressive Rate-Rise Path
The acceleration in inflation last month clinches the case for the Federal Reserve to lift interest rates by at least 0.75 percentage point at its meeting next week and raises the prospect of hefty increases continuing in coming months.
'They Should Do 100': Wall Street Debates the Fed's Next Rate Move
Tuesday's unexpectedly hot inflation reading virtually assu...

Shares of $Boeing (BA.US)$ rose 5.2% after regulators approved the plane maker's plan for validating repairs to the 787 Dreamliner, and the company temporarily avoided a strike at three plants that make military gear.
$Alibaba (BABA.US)$ gained 1.7% as investor sentiment improved after the Chinese tech giant released a statement in response to the possibility of being delisted by the Securities and Exchange Commission. The company...
Shares of $Boeing (BA.US)$ rose 5.2% after regulators approved the plane maker's plan for validating repairs to the 787 Dreamliner, and the company temporarily avoided a strike at three plants that make military gear.
$Alibaba (BABA.US)$ gained 1.7% as investor sentiment improved after the Chinese tech giant released a statement in response to the possibility of being delisted by the Securities and Exchange Commission. The company...
liked and commented on
Donald Trump has gloated about Elon Musk ending his efforts to buy Twitter, writing: 'THE TWITTER DEAL IS DEAD, LONG LIVE THE "TRUTH".'
On his own competing social network Truth Social, the former president posted his opinions on Friday evening, just after it was revealed that Musk, 51, had withdrawn a $44 billion offer.
On Saturday night, Trump called Elon Musk a "bulls–t artist" as he stumped for Republican ...
On his own competing social network Truth Social, the former president posted his opinions on Friday evening, just after it was revealed that Musk, 51, had withdrawn a $44 billion offer.
On Saturday night, Trump called Elon Musk a "bulls–t artist" as he stumped for Republican ...

reacted to
What is Quadruple Witching Day?
Quadruple witching is an event in financial markets when four different sets of futures and options expire on the same day.
Four times a year - on the third Friday of March, June, September and December - contracts for stock index futures, stock index options, single stock futures and stock options all expire on the same day. Many non-US contracts such as the DAX futures also expire on this day.
At cer...
Quadruple witching is an event in financial markets when four different sets of futures and options expire on the same day.
Four times a year - on the third Friday of March, June, September and December - contracts for stock index futures, stock index options, single stock futures and stock options all expire on the same day. Many non-US contracts such as the DAX futures also expire on this day.
At cer...