$Solana (SOL.CC)$ I'll put my prediction in now, continue to drop to 150 then should march back up. based on gut feeling and lines I drew on a graph, so basically "tEcHnIcAl aNaLYsiS"
commented on
$Ethereum (ETH.CC)$ why the fu*k is it holding at 2800
commented on
$Bitcoin (BTC.CC)$ who needs bitcoin when we have toshi now lmao.. it is pumping right now if anyone is looking to make a quick buck I guess lol
$Solana (SOL.CC)$ toshi is pumping lol these meme coins lol
$XRP (XRP.CC)$ Toshi to the moon lmao
$Ethereum (ETH.CC)$ lol Toshi to the moon
Hey folks!![]()
Disclaimer: This is for education and entertainment purposes. Please do your own Due diligence and be a responsible investor or trader. Not a recommendation to buy or sell.
I am smelling a big fear happening in MicroStrategy.
Of course the fear is not senseless fear it has got to do with one person.
Michael Saylor!
Now what is the fear?
Each time Bitcoin decides to rally or dip by a tiny bit. This wanted man keeps diluting the value of the company.
If the prices of...
Disclaimer: This is for education and entertainment purposes. Please do your own Due diligence and be a responsible investor or trader. Not a recommendation to buy or sell.
I am smelling a big fear happening in MicroStrategy.
Of course the fear is not senseless fear it has got to do with one person.
Michael Saylor!
Now what is the fear?
Each time Bitcoin decides to rally or dip by a tiny bit. This wanted man keeps diluting the value of the company.
If the prices of...

$Strategy (MSTR.US)$ wtf???? good job Saylor, i thought this had 2.5x exposure, yet it goes down when bitcoin breaks ath..... another scum ceo.... go join uhc ceo mfer
commented on
$XRP (XRP.CC)$ my lines on my chart say that 2.32 is the bottom, if it breaks that get the lube ready #trustmebro
dzzydan : "are news" ????

that's insightful?
don't take financial advice from people can't speak properly...