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fire希望 Private ID: 181290398
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    fire希望 commented on
    $Direxion Daily NVDA Bull 2X Shares(NVDU.US)$
    $GraniteShares 2x Long NVDA Daily ETF(NVDL.US)$
    I'm thinking of buying an NVDU or NVDL, but I'm not sure which one to use.
    I don't think there's a big difference, but what was your deciding factor in choosing?
    ASML: “I got 80 points on the test! I'll do my best to get over 80 points next time!”
    Organization “Aim for 100 points! For sale!!”
    Taiwansemi-kun “I got 85 points on the test! Next time, I'm aiming for 90 points!”
    Organization “Aim for 110 points!! sold!!!”
    US stocks are winning, but Japanese stocks are losing at other securities companies and it's negative 😢
    My intention to earn coins to put in NISA next year and the year after next is negative so far 😢
    When I tried a brand with a high level of mullet, I lost brilliantly 😢
    I've bought various brands, but it's negative because of this 1 brand 😢
    I plan to refrain from dabbling in stocks with high volatility in the future
    From now on, I think US stocks are more attractive than Japanese stocks, so I will close Japanese stocks and transfer my assets to US stocks 🙇
    fire希望 commented on
    I don't know when the first billion people appeared, so what are the advantages of virtual currency?
    Cryptocurrency is a progressive tax, right?
    When profits are made, there is also a possibility that 45% will be taken to taxes
    In the event of a loss, it cannot be offset from the salaried worker's salary, can only be offset from the same miscellaneous income, and the loss cannot be carried over to the next year
    I just feel like there are more losses and risks
    I was curious because it had dropped so much when I saw it now 🙏
    I'm sorry if anyone offended you 🙇
    $Mitsubishi Heavy Industries(7011.JP)$
    The daily increase is really amazing 😊
    I was lucky to be able to play on PTS when it was 1300
    Stock prices by the end of the year$150, maybe $200till
    Many people think Nvidia is overrated or in a bubble,
    $NVIDIA(NVDA.US)$ I think it will easily reach $150 by the end of July or the beginning of August, and reach $200 by the end of the year.
    Here's why
    AI, and with it Nvidia, is an investment opportunity that transcends generations. Nvidia has first-mover profits and has always surpassed expectations in earnings reports, but that alone is not enough. The company is constantly innovating, releasing new chips, such as Blackwell, that are even more efficient and economical.
    Nvidia can do things like self-driving cars, humanoid robots, weather forecasting, manufacturing safety, complex businesses and industries, medical diagnostics and disease treatments. These will be a major boom in stock prices in the future. The possibilities of AI are enormous. Like it or not, it seems like trillion-dollar businesses are becoming commonplace. Broadcom could be part of the next group that until now was a limited club.
    $Direxion Daily Semiconductor Bull 3x Shares ETF(SOXL.US)$
    Nothing changed even though there were fluctuations last night, and the closing price remained in a bad position
    There was such news this morning 👇
    The stamina of the AI rally is attracting attention as discussions have been rekindled during the NVIDIA turbulence
    (some excerpts)
    For bullish investors, as the number of companies searching for ways to utilize AI for business expansion, new product development, and efficiency increases, such spending has just begun. In such a scenario, NVIDIA's increase in sales and profit will be the driving force behind the rise in stock prices.
    For the underdog, there are still many uncertain factors as to whether AI will respond to excessive pre-advertising and bring sufficient returns on investment. If this does not happen, demand will cool down, the stock price sales ratio (PSR) will be 22 times, and NVIDIA, which is the most expensive of the constituent stocks of the S&P 500 stock price index, will be rewarded.
    John Belton, portfolio manager at Gabelli Funds, has acknowledged that insufficient returns on investment from customers may become a problem for NVIDIA in the future...
    fire希望 liked and commented on
    Mr. Kubota of Matsui Securities has made a leveraged ETF, so NVIDIA has commented in stock voice that it is a sale.
    I'm completely ignorant, and recently I was able to make a deal in Japan, and I've been around for a while.
    There are also Apple leveraged ETFs, etc.
    エヌビディア製品に対する需要が減速する兆しが、、、警戒する必要はない‼️ Bloomberg記事より 記事文面を読むと、事情が見えて来た。 引き続き、静かに見守ろうと 思います😯
    但し10 %を割って来たので生成A I
    短期的に一部  AI企業に集中し過ぎた