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HL963 Private ID: 70138963
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    HL963 liked
    $Petco Health and Wellness (WOOF.US)$ This company went public in 2002 at a price of 5 yuan rising to over 90 yuan before buying back stocks. It is worth buying as the company has repurchased stocks every time they went public, with the price exceeding 90 yuan. The starting price this year is higher than the previous two times, making it worth buying and layout stocks.
    HL963 liked
    Columns Volume ?????
    Here is just a thought. I hear a lot of analysis, trends, what a stock is going to do, due to this and that. Most things I hear on here is News talk, or what is hot, trending, who is in stage 3 and when will the release of product come out.   And i do get a lot of technicals that I’m learning from others, and most who know me, or follow me, know i am a technical pattern/fundamental guy, Marketsmith IBD taught.
    But there is one variable that i don’t hear on this platform. Honestly, i do not think I have ever heard anyone say....
    “Look at that Volume today”
    “I like how that volume is dropping, forming a squeeze on the right side, making way for breakout , to next level”
    Just something to think about when you think a stock is going to rise.   You better know what the volune is doing and be able to interpret it correctly to make gains.
    Volume is a key factor in how a stock is moving.   So if you have never considered volume other than the moving day averages, you can sit there a long time, or just miss the breakout completely
    Think about it 🤔 Peace and happy trading !!!
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