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InGodITrust Private ID: 73795856
猎熊日记|新手入门|作手素质:技术分析,仓位管理,心态定位.|坚持炒股的前提是安详睡去|名人警句 心灵鸡汤
    On Saturday, sneak study trend analysis.
    Today, as a rookie stock trader, I decided to sneak study trend analysis. To be honest, looking at those colorful lines and charts, I feel like I'm deciphering an alien's code. However, I bravely clicked on the video, ready to receive the baptism of knowledge.
    Looking at those ups and downs of the curve, I can't help but think of my life trajectory - full of ups and downs. However, my life curve may look more like the trace of a drunken earthworm crawling on a canvas.
    Then, I watched a comparison video about five styles of investment and financial management[2]. Oh my, I didn't realize there are so many ways to invest! I feel like I walked into an ice cream shop, facing a variety of flavors, but can only choose one. In the end, I decided to use the 'blind pick method' - since I don't understand any of them, I might as well leave it to fate.
    Then, I learned about turtle trading[3]. It sounds impressive, but what I'm more concerned about is: why is it called turtle? Is it because the trading speed is as slow as a turtle crawling? Or is it because traders like to wear green clothes?
    Finally, I found out that chatting about news and doing stock reviews can actually be used to learn English. It's like killing two birds with one stone! I can learn how to lose money while also improving my English level. It's really great!
    After a day of learning, I feel like I have become a wolf of Wall Street. However, on second thought, I might be more like a sheep of Wall Street—a...
    After Friday's mid-day trading - The story of newbie Hypus Diary is a classic.
    tsla 44.5+5 @229 /227
    tsll +5
    It was as if I saw the sight of Moses separating the red sea, and Tesla's stock was the red sea, and I was the Moses holding the staff! It is impossible to fall again once the beginning of the curve to the upper perimeter, so increase the holding and increase the leverage. Because it's a weekend, don't mess around. Next Monday, if you don't look good, you can clear leverage at any time, and the stock remains unchanged in neutral. After all, I can't imagine being swallowed into my stomach by a big fish like Jonah!
    ## Buffet's Dance of Wisdom
    Self Worth 46 @自持每股均價457 /Market Price per Share465
    I feel like I am as wise as King Solomon, and increasing Buffet's stock is simply building my own temple of wealth!
    ## QQQ: Noah's Ark in the Tech World
    QQQ 37 @491 /495 Gold Fork Coming on the Water
    QQQ is like the Noah's Ark of tech stocks, bearing the flood of our passage through the market. A golden fork is approaching the surface of the water, as if seeing a rainbow, foreshadowing a good future!
    AVGO 66 @176 /179 Restocked Looking to Stop Profit-Outing
    AVGO is like the David of the semiconductor world, although the body size is not large,...
    ## Thursday after-hours diary
    Today's stock market is like a story from the "Bible", full of challenges and insights.
    - **PLTR**: Fully holding 72 shares, prices at 42.37/42.15. Bullish outlook but slightly trapped because I couldn't timely escape the peak.
    • MVDA: Holds 41.86 shares, with prices at 129.30/138.5. Waiting and watching, with a global view at 127-133.
    • MSTR: Holds 35 shares, with prices at 210/198. Trend is fluctuating and trapped.
    • TSM: Guessed right! Heavily invested with 74.16 shares, prices at 182.4/203.5. Global view at 182-192, call to 230. Already taken profit and exited, returning to a neutral position.
    • NVDA: Holds 42 shares, with prices at 129/138. Sold 5 shares for safety, waiting and watching.
    - **Netflix**: Expected to grow by 19%, manufacturer claims 27%. Choose to clear out and withdraw.
    - **ASML**: Approaching low stock price, hold for the long term.
    - **SOXX**: MACD is below the waterline, no action.
    - **IWM**: Holding 39 shares, prices at 219/226. Profit has been realized, no leverage withdrawal.
    - **DIA**: holding 28 shares at a price of 423/432. RSI is oversold, and profits have been realized.
    - **QQQ**: holding 37 shares at a price of ...
    A simple busy day
    No time to watch tutorials
    Recently focusing on learning bollinger bands combined with MACD
    Intraday analysis on Tuesday is all hindsight. Too busy to predict tomorrow's opening, so just let it be, let it collapse, let it be a mess.
    Learn from the lessons, cut losses to pay tuition fees, not afraid of losses. As a student, my main purpose is to learn English and practice math problems.
    In TSM and SOXX, MOO are all judged to be in a bullish channel. Misinterpreting as a buy is due to lack of experience, can't blame MOO. Lesson learned from SMH, both RSI and BOLL were sounding alarms. Should have taken profits and withdrawn 1/3 last Wednesday, the subsequent days of rise were just minor fluctuations, not worth following.
    When I guessed half right on VOO, there was joy but also regret: I decided to reduce my holdings by a quarter when the market closed on Sunday by guessing the decline would stop, and the result turned out to be correct. By the time the market closed on Monday, I should have guessed again, but today on Tuesday during trading hours, I feel a bit passive. Since I have gradually improved my success rate in guessing now, I should have continued to reduce my holdings last night until reaching a neutral position.
    I guessed wrong on QQQ, and the RSI indicator for MOO was clearly raising alarms when the market closed on Monday: the short-term line was above 80 for two days, the midline had just crossed above 80 (alert at 75), the slow line was approaching 80 with an increasing trend, yet I turned a blind eye and only focused on the bullish sentiment. Of course, when it comes to taking profits and exiting, I should run within the bullish sentiment. The bullish sentiment indicator is not meant to be used when escaping market peaks! Even Robinhood's real-time market monitoring was more obvious, with the RSI14 indicator maxing out at 100 – shouldn't we run and wait for the retail investors to be reaped?
    DIA guessed wrong, barely got half right. The Monday opening at nine o'clock proves that the RSI exploded on Sunday and the shareholding was correct. Checking the RSI at Monday's closing, it continues to explode, clearly indicating the need to continue to take profits and exit. How...
    ## Aftermarket on Monday
    Today, I decided to update my trading weapon, so I started learning programming. PLTR seems to have removed one-third of its leverage, severely overbought. It fell today, will drop tomorrow. avgx also exited by cutting losses, avgo will fluctuate tomorrow, I guess it will drop, reducing one-third of the holdings. MSTU cleared, MSTR expected to drop, reducing one-fourth. TSmx maintained, tsm and moo expected to rise. Similarly, buy a little more tsla at a lower price. soxx up 6, moo expected to rise. IWM expected to rise by 4, dia expected to rise by 5, qqq expected to rise, strong buying atmosphere. smh up 5. pltr expected to drop, reduce one-sixth, clear leverage.
    No matter how many calculations, simplicity is key. Nvidia hits a new high, maintaining the overbought sentiment. I will take my profits and exit first, a small profit is a win. Surprisingly, Tesla has not reversed yet, so I will buy a bit more at a lower price.
    Leverage operations should be cautious, finally a little sense of proportion. For triple leverage, the ratio of leveraged stocks to underlying stocks is 10%, for double leverage it is 15%, so there is no psychological pressure.
    The five teams actually represent five different stock trading modes being experimented simultaneously. Will the Hunter Team gradually expand to extend to doing short-term trades for the seven giants or also do short-term trades for emerging AI stocks? This seems to be a question. To improve hit rate, currently only expanding to leverage access to the seven giants for experimentation is expected to be better. Practicing technical analysis skills is better than just relying on stock commentators, etc.
    > “...
    ### Goal
    The review analyzes the failures of the operating patterns of the last 4 weeks, combined with a retrospective reflection on how to use metrics to avoid Trend.
    If you want to go through a fall, you should think about cutting back or low, and from the point of view of cutting interests, you should choose the first choice. After all, there are many other stocks that are bullish. But not to be distracted from technical analysis such as RSI and Averages, I intuitively urge me to buy that it is the fifth day in a row, Friday, Thursday, so the day after the announcement is also the last trading day of the week, as a phased market vote. I should have come out at the right time. It makes sense to find a correction for mistakes in the review and reflection volumes.
    Cathie Wood participated in the Robotaxi launch yesterday and today purchased 12,730 shares of Tesla stock [2]. At least buy around RSI15, and intuition and Wood are buying at the same time, and todo may not be enough to buy.
    [Learn RSI by John Lu]
    [Analyze ARKK and WOOD] (
    **Sunday Reading Reflection: Beginner Stock Trading Diary**
    I also have the habit of reflecting and reviewing. I like to look at failure cases, such as my favorite example of Guan Yu walking from the Wheat City to Liu Bei's White Emperor City to entrust his son. In any case, failure is a valuable treasure. It's a good habit to review the events of the day and the past five days every day.
    **Too much information, adjusting positions is still crucial**
    - **SFBAY** adjusted to MAGS, SMH as well as momentum ETF and eight new ai stocks.
    - **TTM** selected 2 technology stocks and 16 daily consumer stocks, considering a steady annual growth rate, avoiding risks.
    - The merger of the Hunter Team and the large cap team is aimed at streamlining processes and practicing leverage.
    **In every book, there is a house of gold. Author Li Lu**
    Charlie always starts thinking about problems in a reverse manner. He studies how life becomes painful to understand happiness; studies business failures to understand success. This thinking method allows him to make almost no mistakes in life and career decisions.
    Overall, Sunday is a busy and fulfilling day. I also obtained the Google AI Key, which can learn English bilingual translation, and found a way for Google to generate dialogue explanations based on NotebookLM.
    **Listen to selected memos**
    - **Daily Update**: Langwang, Aze, SCJ, Tan Tan, Chen Feng, Saowill, Global, Jia Keneng, Lao Siji, Johnlu, Josie, Nana, Sunshine, j...
    Previous issue, the hunter team is not focused enough: when there is a general rise in the market, they fail to capture the most advantageous stocks, and when a general decline occurs, they are unable to focus.
    Merge the hunter team with the large cap index team: only focus on ten leveraged stocks: large cap index stocks *5, core semiconductors *3, AI big data *2.
    Operation: Invest on a weekly basis, + invest daily with safe leverage ratio.
    Subject: Weekly investment ensures high returns in the original stock. Daily investments increase short-term band experience Monday through Friday. End the short-term operation on Thursday or Friday to avoid unpredictable risks over the weekend!
    The other three teams all invest on a weekly basis.
    Position control: Improved cash position operations, each team takes turns to withdraw profits and subsidize the Hunter team.
    For example, the proportion of each team on each day.
    Hunter, High5, SFBAY, TTM
    Day1 20:25:25:30
    Day2 25:25:25:25
    Day3 30:20:25:25
    Day4 35:20:20:25
    Day5 40:20:20:20
    This long-term rsp strategy not only maintains the practice of weekly swing trading, but also balances high leverage and gains, while ensuring physical and mental health (exercise and sleep), so as to improve technical skills.
    I like to solve math problems and enjoy challenging tests with rewards.
    Self-management performance:
    Record the daily profit rate and cumulative five-day profit rate every day. Strive to meet the weekly performance indicators and face three competitive games...