kang SC
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$First Wave BioPharma (FWBI.US)$ @Apple Pi @Akshruvt @AAA111888 @AmyNic @amicable Dolphin_218 @AbhiRock @Albert Ck @adaptable Dolphin_46 @ATRIPWMT @ayumichris @akutarou @Alvin CYB @ambitious Buffalo_12 @Apathykid @Allium tuberosum @Aroey @愛你moo moo噠 @Asyuchi @adewooo @AG24 @AA9559 @AllSeeingGuy @AG88 @Anonymous Investor @AnnSG @Annoyinglittleboi @astabrin @aleitch86 @Bernard With Bacon @broad-minded Horse @brave Orangutan_8942 @BabeSnowie @babygroot @bright Gnu_9276 @Baby Love You @Boonz @Bring u to the moon @BearHunter @bull牛 @broad-minded Bat_471 @bananafishplus @Berlinda11 @Before it down @Biff @BAO BMW @BullMoneyBull @bolsa609 @bludshot @bwjx @BHSH @Butterfly_Effect @Blue Eyed Boy @Bull Empire @Berries @creative Crane_2479 @Cosmic_trader34 @Coco Tracy @calm Sheep_0342 @超级吸金大黑洞 @Curtis Putman @chunweii @Comeback is Real @炒股养宠物 @creative Chipmunk_8b @Chris I @Colmavispotter @Captain Flint @ChristineSunshineUp @cindyling14 @CeruleanFusions @Cow Moo-ney @Ckteh8899 @Cat army @Cool3r @Conn_00 @CrazyEnuff @CJ from Queens @cslee1288 @chichiro @Dons hobby @Dollar88 @Des273 @dexpth @darkfinale @Deepesh @dwayne money @Dons Son @day day green green @DEADSEED1111 @deluxe bean @D Rock615 @DaNewestTrader @Dagobart64 @Deecic @Dadacai @Dennis Takizawa Hide @evilpoptarttt @eldemoniodejaime @enthusiastic Goose_2 @Eveline_ch @恩慈 Ange @ErnieVoltz @enthusiastic Gnu_193 @Elevated @easygoing Lyon @ec0985 @edwinchin @Elvan Lim @E Yeo @EmmettElwood @funny Moose_5189 @Funn @forceful Flamingo_71 @FatherM0cker @Frank Troia @风吹又起 @frank Cormorant_5163 @费北敬 @Fairy111 @Fortyboy @funny Finch_7860 @Fish eye @fast n furious @Fred Chong @forthekids @Fly5959 @飞黄_腾达 @GWSCOGAL @Goodbye925 @Ghos7maker1 @Gal Goddess @gregarious Moose_193 @GoLeopard @GreenGrowthCheng @Greatvaluetrader1738 @good Squirrel_6385 @圭鑫 @GenjiofSin @股质增升 @Golden Bar plus 2022 @GreenMonster @Goondoo Cow @greenpasture @gunner1314 @GTG81 @Giovanni Ayala @HSC_hipot @Hambone @Humble trader 11 @Humble Bi @huEYc @回本继续玩 @HousmanJessica @Highlyfavoured @Huatbigbigs @HuatCaiLai @回本后不在玩 @HengAh @Haiyaaaa9696 @hugh999 @Hassan Oscar @HazelnutLatte @Hani Ayyash @Ipixplk @inventive Narwhal_34 @intuitive Wombat_370 @instant regret @independent Fox_07 @I am over the Moo @ItIstheTimeNow @Isao @ItzMe17 @IMeee @Jeffery A Anderson @基本盘还好 @Joeyghs @JustAgame @John_The_Fox @Jusling @JesusLeal664 @JethinMandava @Juan Goldsmith @矜持不苟的特德 @joykoala @John TH @今晚飞摩多 @Johnnie Worker @JustSurface @Jesus is lord @加油搬砖 @劫财死远点劫色就来吧 @Jerryn33 @韭菜63號 @Jinan Riadh @jahmaycan @joon87 @Jon K09 @Jun8888 @Jun 2297 @Joocy J @Jason Diggs @Jane chew @JGraceJr87 @KlemoTheGreat @Kings way @Kyng Yosh @Kimdead @Karan2415 @KagamiT @kang SC @Kcler @KK4tnc @kennyhsb @KoryoDragon @康4013 @Kav75 @Kylow @Kangaroo Koh @lily sg @LaineShillito1981 @Las Pride @LilliansWay1973 @laobei @LazyGirl_ @Long WOLF @Little Groot @lets hide in forest @Lalooker54 @Lucass11 @Lax13 @Lucky2828 @littlemissy00 @辣椒拌面 @LionWolf 8698 @memes2sexy4life @Marina Moooooorales @Mike Murphy @midnight oil @MsMay @Maremare @matthew collett @MarkZhi @Moneyfetish @milomermaiddd @Muhd @Ms Heng @MooMamaLlamaDrama @Moolahlah_huat168 @Moissanite @Manhit @MKey987 @mooks06 @Meow07 @meows27 @Moooooo888 @小 鬼 @Mickeymm @MengZai @MoMa Doge @Memeng @mobybird @manchutime @May 102377128 @Mysha-Han Han @fionaa @Mcdeline @Machiavellis3rdEye @mcstiner @Mr Trecherous @McElroy @Nick452nd @newbiebunny @NH4 @neat Kangaroo_9407 @neat Crane_0827 @Nintendo Ds @NumbersandMoney @Nick money come @Neeneee @Nadman @Neonavi @optimistic Walrus_31 @optimisticfailure @plucky Skunk_2738 @Pauludeh @piglet Baby @pro-active Hippo_562 @placid Moose_7945 @Pppolly @persistent Ferret_93 @polite Ferret_6258 @pangpuhriyeah9365 @Penelopea @Patylc @plshuatlah @Plucky77 @Pamloarg @PastorGaga @Pinnn @pennypincher @Qui Vivra Verra @求个好锦鲤 @且听凤鸣1 @期权的神 @rational Orangutan_b @Raymondleeccp @Renen86 @忍输认真感恩哈啊哈 @reliable Gerbil_4586 @Rasyad @Robert Bess @Rivera @Rise n Shine @Renfrojonathan @Riddick705 @让子弹飞(SG) @rainForest Water @Revelations 6 @rawrrrbucks @Riding Star @Share GOD @SKY8785 @SUBGH @San Antonio @Shaul Heymans @sincere Axolotl_0256 @S1766 @Shinyunico @Stocks with Josh @sherry 妈咪 @SwingingRingo @SpidieSence @skeemykay @Sandy siow @shoshinshya @Siaoahsot @Samur @Samseng @SpyderCall @Shadowpang @Samuel112277 @SiewTing @standalee31 @silverelf @Bunnx @Skybeejason @soyabean89 @Seamus1 @SN S @上了贼船888 @somebodyisllp @SKinsey @Shandylander @Simon backy @Sharonsl @SSSTW @SimplyDestiny @Solo-man @student otg @babyya @San 8723 @Angieeee Ng @Tuffyturf @TurkTrades @TanialostNMoo @TangDaniel @TitanJay713 @Tori88 @TaylorKenneth @Tyler Brown4 @The Buffalo @Tlynn @TinkerB3ll @tyrone off top @Tileowleow @天天牛市冲天 @TRF_MDIESEL @ttt28 @Jzng @treydongui @twinkle bits @upanddown @Up Lorry Together @ur wifes boyfriend @VICTOR TeoH @Vis BaBa @voloxo @Velvet Monkey @Vivian 1145 @william_tan @wallyp @无情的 @woowq @Woolybully @willing Penguin_5028 @WayneLow98 @wee @warmhearted Puppy_93 @whichmoooooo @whoareuami @W Chiang @WannaBeTrader @Wise Shark @watts38 @旺 旺 @Xiaoxi_penguin @先止损再止盈 @XiaoZhao95 @xuan2016 @兴旺發3133 @xierongliang @Xxfifi @YoLoBr @一千零一次飛吧 @宇宙第一小帅哥 @YQ @圆圆吖 @YYVE @Youth of May 2021 @庄重的席德 @Zmoomooz @zigkeyz @Zee9899 @ZJ C @招钱进宝 @104095767 @102741480 @71463980 Roy k @73088202 @71635642 @70230692 @101698445 @101708349 @71209478 @2girldad @102393415 @70787083 @71673364 @71307633 @71792285 @151648385 @_xxingyao @~~~ @71004961 @102319708 @102252711 @007美股 @102385845 @101885875 @71737661 @71756169 @102637686 @8ullseye @70208502 @103876899 @102212969 @71290839 @70538190 @71261604 @101593183 @101768786 @102261387 @70736632 @71402955 @71390266 @103869901 @71757865 @102330392 @102315683 @102156309 @10167 @71542532 @101656277 @72930336 @70641509 @102336891 @-Versace- @101512718 @102507729 @2050s @102400752 @101677606 @102103875 @103904958 @70763788 @102594163 @71151493 @102850361 @101700390 @102386870 @0011773300 @71544288 @103962402 @102711828 @101716588 @101621957 @102726410 @101819403 @102235596 @101564629 @102773025 @101792547 @102739162 @102968950 @102318077 @102963782 @“韭菜炒鸡蛋” @102527783 @70087910 @102490953 @0sw9 @102983645 @80562183CT Merry Chr...
kang SC
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i love this community, we learn and invest together from worldwide ! we help and support each others , im glad i have so much friends here!
brothers and sisters lets make money together!
$Siyata Mobile (SYTA.US)$ lets fcking go!! hahaha
brothers and sisters lets make money together!
$Siyata Mobile (SYTA.US)$ lets fcking go!! hahaha
kang SC
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kang SC
commented on
Good morning mooers! Here are things you need to know about today's Singapore:
●Singapore shares opened lower on Monday; STI down 1.01%
●Commodities face tough week as Fed angst builds
●Stocks and REITs to watch: Singtel, SPH Reit, Aspen
●Latest share buy back transactions
-moomoo News SG
Market Trend
Singapore shares opened lower on Monday. The $FTSE Singapore Straits Time Index (.STI.SG)$ decreased 1.01 per cent to 3,114.16 ...
●Singapore shares opened lower on Monday; STI down 1.01%
●Commodities face tough week as Fed angst builds
●Stocks and REITs to watch: Singtel, SPH Reit, Aspen
●Latest share buy back transactions
-moomoo News SG
Market Trend
Singapore shares opened lower on Monday. The $FTSE Singapore Straits Time Index (.STI.SG)$ decreased 1.01 per cent to 3,114.16 ...

kang SC
commented on
kang SC
kang SC
$Austin Gold (AUST.US)$
Some people will never make money in the stock market, because they always complain about others, do not reflect on themselves. I advise those who cannot think to not waste their funds. If the large cap falls like this and you still don't know how to avoid it, isn't holding onto it seeking death? The BTTX I recommended in the morning has already risen a lot, providing information for free but not assuming responsibility. Adults should understand how to take responsibility for gains and losses. If you are brain-dead, it's better to leave the stock market.
Some people will never make money in the stock market, because they always complain about others, do not reflect on themselves. I advise those who cannot think to not waste their funds. If the large cap falls like this and you still don't know how to avoid it, isn't holding onto it seeking death? The BTTX I recommended in the morning has already risen a lot, providing information for free but not assuming responsibility. Adults should understand how to take responsibility for gains and losses. If you are brain-dead, it's better to leave the stock market.
kang SC