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LAtheman Male ID: 71597292
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    Please click here to post your investing resolutions to earn rewards. Otherwise, the posts won't be counted.
    Happy new year, mooers!
    Today, 2021 has officially become a page of history. We are now stepping in 2022, a brand-new start for everyone.
    Do you want to take a step forward and become a better trader? Let's get prepared and make plans for the unknown to overcome the obstacles along the way.
    We've prepared some key points from the goal-setting theory...
    Set your 2022 Investing Resolutions!
    I just started using the trading platform and I must say its by far the best platform I have used. I believe this might have robinhood beat. The paper trading option is awesome I always wanted that in Robinhood but nope. I just started so far I like it. Maybe you guys can have a promotion about transferring stocks and funds over from another exchange and receiving stocks on the amount transferred over in different levels. I honestly wouldn't mind using this exchange. It have so much inf...
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