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Lonewolfcow Male ID: 152319083
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    Lonewolfcow liked and commented on
    any time I look over the ASX20 all I think is "christ that's an uninspiring bunch of companies"
    a bunch of overpriced banks, a couple of ridiculously overpriced speciality companies, and BHP in a commodities downcycle, all of which are massively over-covered & reported on by every suit who works in Australian finance leading to little potential for any upside surprises
    the only one that ever gets me mildly interested is MQG (which has already run back up again), and BHP itself if you can ge...
    Lonewolfcow commented on
    When it comes to gaming, the use of ChatGPT-like generative artificial intelligence is still in an exploratory phase, according to Liang Chen, general manager of Tencent Cloud’s internet industry department.
    Chen said that AI has long been used by gaming companies for pattern recognition and other functions, but effective use of generative AI comes with high costs.
    Despite being in an exploratory period, Chen said he expected the bus...
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