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Loong93 Male ID: 102868335
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    Hello, mooers!
    This week the stock market blew out possible again with rapid slash and rally.After a week full of excitement, it's time to discover some famous companies with the market attention!
    Rule: Look at the charts below and tell the name of corresponding stocks. (i.e. Tesla, Apple, AMC)
    Validity period: Please leave your comments by Monday Dec. 6, 9:00 AM ET / 10:00 PM SGT.
    The first and the last mooer who give correct answers within the validity period will win 800 points each!
    Miss the first place? Feel free to leave your comment about any of the stocks below, and 3 mooers will win extra 800 points each! (Based on quality and originality)
    Comment now to win!
    Chart 1:
    Changing the world through digital experiences, the company has an ROE of 44.21% and delivered a 2171% return in the past 10 years.
    Chart 2:
    The 4th Largest semiconductor company in the world, and the only remaining US maker of DRAM, the short-term memory chips found in computers and smartphones.
    Chart 3:
    A global consumer internet company founded in Singapore and is expanding to the world.
    Enter to Win: Stock by chart challenge S5
    Enter to Win: Stock by chart challenge S5
    Enter to Win: Stock by chart challenge S5
    Time flies! You have completed another journey of Co-Wise: What habits help you become a better trader. Thank you all for your participation! In this topic, most mooers mentioned FOMO emotions, panics, and mistakes. When newbies first got in the market, they followed blindly, not knowing what they were doing, and made losses due to succumbing to emotions.
    Will you get sucked into a BULL/FOMO trap when the market plunges? We must learn to stop emotions from getting in the way and take the upper hand in our decision-making. Successful tradings arise from constant practicing and establishing trading rules. Once your trading plan is created, you should be patient and keep plugging away. It would be best to grasp mistakes and be pragmatic to accept them and move on. Let's cultivate good habits to yield consistent results.
    Now, it's time for the winning list of this topic. Let's enjoy the highlight moments together! Congratulation to all the mooers winning $Ford Motor (F.US)$ and $ContextLogic (WISH.US)$ stocks!
    *The rewards will be distributed to winners within 15 working days—the ranking sortes in alphabetical order.
    Part Ⅰ: High-Quality Post Collection
    @Dadacai  Habits To Becoming A Better Trader
    One of the key successful habits is to form a trading plan. As Benjamin Franklin rightly said, if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. Don’t give in to the fear of missing out (FOMO). With practice and perseverance, we can all become successful traders!
    @iSpyderTrader  Building Good Trading Habits
    DO NOT try to copy someone else's idea as that works for them. You need to get insight about it and try it on your own. Practice makes perfect. Do your due diligence (research, articles, news, etc.) Trade with a positive attitude. Don't be greedy and take profits.
    @JP GO  Set a rule that suitable your lifestyle
    Trading have to link with lifestyle and set up a rule of it. More importantly is following it as a habit. I start from small amounts to test that if my thoughts/rule works for me and make some adjustments. I only allow myself to use 3 quarters, leave a last option for myself and I won't fear while look at the red numbers.
    @mooboo  Habits that made me a better trader
    For my value investing, I do a certain amount of due diligence before starting a position in any stock. I fight the urge every time I panic. Emotions are your biggest enemy in the stock market. Lastly, manage your risk well.
    @TraderPeter  Be mechanical!
    The risk and the size are highly correlated. Ask Why first. Knowing the why helps me to make quick decision without second guess myself. Only trade something that is liquid enough. Take profit early and often and let time cure the pain.
    @bullrider21Nothing is foolproof
    Always do your homework before you buy a stock. Don't speculate. Don't buy on rumours. Find out the support and resistance levels to determine your buying and selling prices. You must be disciplined. Don't be too greedy.
    @Ganar PocoGood habits will make you a consistent winner
    Trading Psychology is a mental aspect of trading. It involves things like how to control your emotions,  eg FOMO. After you have control your emotions & learned the importance of Risk Management. The next important aspect that will give an edge in trading is Strategy.
    @Moo Top  My 117 days experiences
    I am still figuring out what is my plan in investing and trading after 117 days in Moomoo. However, the following are what I gather from my experiences: Investment or Trading. Have an exit plan if trading. Value or Growth or Meme stocks. Trading is not everything. Have a life.
    @Zann56  Overcoming emotions
    Human emotions (Fear and greed) are inevitably involved when it comes to investing. I have made losses in the past due to succumbing to my emotions. To avoid such mistakes, I have learnt to adopt 3 strategies now. Invest in what I strongly believe in. Dollar Cost Averaging. Diversification.
    @甜心0121  My Habits
    For me personally, I hold on to these 4 habits to ensure consistency in my trading. Set goals. Manage risks. Research, research and research. Limit time and get a life.
    For more engaging posts, please click Co-Wise: What habits help you become a better trader? to check. Don't forget to leave your comments and tell mooers what you've learned!
    Part Ⅱ: Voting on the “Mentor Moo” Title
    It's time for voting! Let's vote for the candidates to see who will win the "Mentor Moo" title. Whose post do you think is the best? Your vote means a lot to them!
    Emotions and responsibilities could cloud your thinking. Deduction and objectivity could lead you to impulsive and irrational decision-making, resulting in more losses. It is not valid to trade based on feelings or rumors. Analysis and research should be trading fundamentals. Emotional trading may bring back some earnings, but rational trading is how you survive for a long time. Enhance your lifestyle with trading and follow the rules as a habit. Practice makes perfect.
    Disclaimer: All investment involves risk. Neither Futu Inc, nor Futu SG, nor moomoo endorses any particular investment strategy. You should carefully consider your investment goals and objectives when deciding on an investment strategy. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
    Mooers' Strategies: Habits to Become a Better TraderExpand
    $Tesla (TSLA.US)$ shares are nearing bear-market territory after tumbling over the past week as Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk sold a chunk of his stock in the electric vehicle maker, and hinted that he may sell more.
    The shares dropped as much as 5.3% on Monday in New York, retreating more than 20% from the record high of $1,229.91 touched on Nov. 4. The stock then recovered a bit to close down 1.9% at $1,013.39, marking a nearly 18% decline from the high. A stock enters a bear market when it falls 20% on a closing basis.
    Source: Bloomberg
    Tesla shares approach bear market territory on prolonged selloff
    Marijuana players dominated top performers in healthcare this week ahead of a Republican-led attempt for federal legalization of cannabis in the U.S.
    Cannabis stocks rose Friday on reports Republican Rep. Nancy Mace from South Carolina has floated a bill that seeks to legalize weed. $SNDL Inc (SNDL.US)$ was the biggest gainer, rising 27.82%. $Tilray Brands (TLRY.US)$ closed 9% higher, while $Aurora Cannabis (ACB.US)$ jumped 12.29% last Friday.
    Weed stocks have been on a tear since Marijuana Moment reported that Mace is proposing to amend the Controlled Substances Act. The bill favors scrapping cannabis from Schedule I of the act to legalize it and tax cannabis at the federal level in the U.S.
    How to read the chart
    · The chart shows stocks with the most option activities of the previous trading day.
    · Put/Call ratio >0.7 means more the stock attract more bears than bulls. Put/Call ratio<0.7 means the stock attractmore bulls than bears.
    · Option volume indicates the shares of contracts traded for the day.
    · Open interest indicates the total number of option contracts that are currently open – that means they are not yet exercised or offset.
    Want to know more info on trending option?
    This function could be found by selecting "Quotes – Markets – Option". You would need access to "option real-time quotes" to access this function.
    Explore the world of option trading with: Intro to options.
    Improve your option trading knowledge: Key elements on the table
    Most active stock options for Nov 15: stocks rallied on cannabis 'legalization'
    Most active stock options for Nov 15: stocks rallied on cannabis 'legalization'
    Most active stock options for Nov 15: stocks rallied on cannabis 'legalization'
    Shares of $Moderna (MRNA.US)$, which developed a COVID-19 vaccine, tumbled 22% at intraday lows as investors anticipate lower demand for shots.
    The selloff comes on the heels of Moderna's Thursday announcement of lower than expected earnings and a slashed sales forecast.
    However, when looking at its insider transactions...
    Red are sales. Green would be buys... if there were any.
    Moderna tumbles 22% today. Should I buy the dip?
    $Futu Holdings Ltd (FUTU.US)$
    The last update was on the 14th, and the previous one was in August.
    I can't find any news about this repurchase.
    Why don't you care about your own stocks?
    Just three days after becoming available, $Tesla (TSLA.US)$ has canceled the 0 down payment option it offered in China.
    The reason is that the 0 down payment plan has led to a surge in orders, making the vehicle delivery time longer, the customer service agent said.
    Tesla China's wholesale numbers in September reached 56,006 units, up 394 percent year-on-year and up 26.5 percent from August, data released by the China Passenger Car Association (CPCA) early last month showed.
    It looks like Tesla can sell as much as it wants.
    Will you buy a Tesla if the 0 down payment option is available?
    It seems like that some people think Tesla stock price is too expensive.
    But if Tesla can maintain its current profitability, do you still believe its shares are too expensive?
    Tesla cancels 0 down payment option in China due to 'surge in orders'
    Tesla cancels 0 down payment option in China due to 'surge in orders'