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lsNii Private ID: 70534910
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    $WallStreetBets(LIST2555.US)$ this has to be the greatest moment in history, Now all this subreddit has todo is file a 13F and be one of the greatest investment banks.
    lsNii commented on
    $Rocket(RKT.US)$ where y'all at now??? exactly a lot of us tried to tell you but you fall for obvious shills like "Jaymomie" you aren't made for this game. get out and stay out with your broke asses. people like to talk about "DD"  and check no information for themselves and then get taken for a ride like what happened today to a lot of you lol. like if you even just checked simple finance you'd see the citadel had huge buys and puts for RKT today. the fools got fleeced today for believing what some random posted  without doing their own due diligence. get rekd...
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