Apple whole ecosystem is impressive. Hardware to software and integration of MacBook, iPad and iPhone. It is user centric. After owning Apple products, time to own Apple shares.
In a bear market, I will sell covered calls on my holdings to earn premiums. Will keep doing until market turns.
Try paper trading full time first to see if you have a flair. Not everyone can do it.
I just sell Tesla Puts way out of the money to earn weekly premiums.
will not end soon. Putin has too much pride and he needs to win to ensure his decision is right to send his troops into Ukraine. If forced to a corner, he won't dispel the thoughts of using nuclear weapon. But his generals may not agree with him on this.
If I buy high, I will perform dollar cost averaging and/or sell covered call if I have at least 1 lot of the share. I will continue to do it until my paper loss turned profit. But this requires patience and only if the stock is worth keeping.
The market has been bullish for more than a decade. It is healthy for the market to pull back. My portfolio is down by more than 30%. l just sell covered calls to continue to get premiums and dollar cost averaging if there are opportunities. Life is as per normal and life goes on for me. I still work, exercise and chill. One thing to be sure is that I love my day job more since my portfolio is in the red. My day job continues to provide the funds I need to continue inv...
No change in my investing strategy since it earns me sufficient funds to pay for bills in 2021. I am contented and will not be greedy. May test my strategy in 2022 as this year may not be as bullish in 2021.
aiyo….PLTR… i need you to rise for a jolly Christmas