move over butter .....
I wish us a merry moo year I wish us a moo more year I wish us a very moomore merry fair year I wish us all a very moomerry unscarey fair full of fun and funds year I wish us a very moo moo and more most moo happiness and less covid sick very better 2022 berry moremoo moo merry year..........All moos and a very moomore year!!!!!!
I wish us a merry moo year I wish us a moo more year I wish us a very moomore merry fair year I wish us all a very moomerry unscarey fair full of fun and funds year I wish us a very moo moo and more most moo happiness and less covid sick very better 2022 berry moremoo moo merry year..........All moos and a very moomore year!!!!!!t
2021 in Review:
Myself in the moomoo.. Some what of a noob but always take things on head first and positive. I'm still learning and the coolest part is my 7year old is interested in what's the moo or new on the stock market..We all hope to accumulate wealth and knowledge on our moomoo investments..As the world turns and time stops for no one I am optimistic and believe that if I concentrate on my research and keep up with courses for learning more I will be successfully pleased..Positive vibes for all on the moo and good luck in the moo year 2022.!!Good Pays to Everyone!!🐮
Myself in the moomoo.. Some what of a noob but always take things on head first and positive. I'm still learning and the coolest part is my 7year old is interested in what's the moo or new on the stock market..We all hope to accumulate wealth and knowledge on our moomoo investments..As the world turns and time stops for no one I am optimistic and believe that if I concentrate on my research and keep up with courses for learning more I will be successfully pleased..Positive vibes for all on the moo and good luck in the moo year 2022.!!Good Pays to Everyone!!🐮
I go by intuition idk ..risk aye for sure but you gotta believe your inner power...
I thought of granny wearing a moo moo and under her moo moo was a stash of moo cash ....I knew it.....