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$Eastspring Investments Islamic Income Fund-Class R (MYU0100A2522.MF)$ Here is the safest place to be right now… There is a bloody war outside…
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$YTLPOWR (6742.MY)$ Guys, not a good time to enter tech stocks, very likely US depression soon, all US tech stocks down
1. Its impossible to predict how long a stock market recovery will take
2. If you dont panic and sell your stock holdings when market crashes, you will be rewarded in the longer run.
Using pain index to evaluate a market crash’s severity. It considers degree of decline and how long it takes to get back to the prior level of cumulative value.
Eg. Dec 2021 market down turn due to Ukraine war, see a decline of 28% from its peak value over the nine months period befor...
2. If you dont panic and sell your stock holdings when market crashes, you will be rewarded in the longer run.
Using pain index to evaluate a market crash’s severity. It considers degree of decline and how long it takes to get back to the prior level of cumulative value.
Eg. Dec 2021 market down turn due to Ukraine war, see a decline of 28% from its peak value over the nine months period befor...

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$ Holdings (BBAI.US)$ As a bbai position holder i have to respond to whats going on. If you really don’t believe in bbai. Get out and stay out. Bbai is heading in the right direction. I knew this earnings wasn’t goona be great. But people are missing something. Their debt has decreased significantly and the new ceo is working to get more deals im sure. So what if the stock goes down. Thats the opportunity to take advantage of someone else’s demise. Dont you know right now is the time yo...
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$ Holdings (BBAI.US)$ this is going to round trip before it's over it'll be back to a buck and a half...
how to navigate against bearish market: avoid hyped/meme stocks that has poor fundamentals. AI related stocks tends to be very volatile. Avoid stocks that has ties to gov because this can be weaponised during trade wars.

$NATGATE (0270.MY)$ i dont see how the export controls to china involve Natgate. Most of the sales is in malaysia 2.1B.

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$YTLPOWR (6742.MY)$ actually how does tariffs effect tech companies like ytl or nvidia ?
$Alphabet-A (GOOGL.US)$ we will catch you at 165!!!
Mooge Flyyyy : agree.