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Peas Knees Private ID: 71544748
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    The AI giant Nvidia announced a 10-for-1 forward stock split in its Fiscal Q1 earnings conference call on May 22. According to a release, the shares will begin trading split-adjusted at the market open on June 10.🚀🚀🚀
    Although a stock split does not change the market value of a company, it provides a wider range of investors with the opportunity to purchase shares. How do you think the market will react to NVIDIA's stock split? ...
    Nvidia Stock-Split Coming: Grab rewards by guessing the closing price
    To have crypto exchange in the Moomoo app. 😃
    1.) Crypto trading & wallets.
    2.) Easier process for linking moomoo to my bank. And I want to clarify: it's easy to link a bank to Moomoo via Plaid. But many of my bank accounts want me to link outbound transfer accounts the same way, and Moomoo doesn't seem compatible with that, which has made getting money into Moomoo a puzzle to solve.
    Also, crypto solves this problem by going around the banks.
    Hey mooers,
    How are you doing?
    We’ve invited two moomoo product managers to introduce themselves to you in the last two weeks. They shared some of their product philosophy and stories behind the scenes. How did you find their stories and product philosophy?
    We are inspired by your brilliant ideas and feedback. The moomoo PM team is working hard to meet your expectations!
    Feel free to share your opinions with us on our App anytime via "Moo – Streams - Moo Features - #Talk to PM". We aim to provide you with the best experiences and are looking forward to your feedback.

    Ladies and gentlemen, today we have our 3rd guest here!
    A big hand to moomoo product manager Jason!
    Host: Hi Jason, welcome to join us! What did you bring us today?
    PM Jason: I would like to introduce a feature called "Unusual Activity" of US options. It presents the latest block orders filled in the options market. Investors may make good use of it and predict the price trends of US stock options.
                      "Unuaual Activity" of US Options
    Host: What makes this feature stand out?
    PM Jason: You know before we presented this function with the UI design shown above, there were all kinds of displays for the same feature in the market. The interesting thing is, after we did it this way, all market players followed us, and now their Apps for the function basically look the same as ours. LOL.
    Host: Hahaha, so funny. So you did some pioneering work for the industry!
    PM Jason: I'd like to be the first to do something. As moomoo PMs, we need to be as innovative as possible because our products are among the best in the industry and often imitated by others. We will keep developing and launching original products to become the model of the industry.
    Host: Would you like to share your key "product philosophy" with us?
    PM Jason: For me, the essential one is to closely observe the changes in people's daily lives. Small changes in people's daily routines, technological advances, and the birth of a new industry could all profoundly impact users' investment preferences. Art comes from life, so does a great product.
    Thank you, Jason! Let's hear it for our special guest, Jason!

    Like this article, if you enjoy PM Jason's sharings!
    Feel free to comment below to let us know if you have any suggestions for the "Talk to PM" program.
    Recap for previous episodes of moomoo Product Stories>>
    PM George: The “Investment Rush Hour” made me become a product manager.
    PM Jane: The super power I wish to have is mind reading!
    moomoo Product Story Ep3: "Art comes from life, so does a great product"
    Hey mooers,
    "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...until you climb into his skin and walk around in it" said Atticus in his book To Kill a Mockingbird.
    Here we have a product manager who is eager to understand you, dear mooers, to think in your shoes, and to create features serving your needs.
    Ladies and gentlemen, let's welcome our second guest to ''Talk to PM'' event, moomoo product manager Jane!
    Host: Hey PM Jane welcome! I know you are busy all the time. Thank you for coming! What do you expect from the "Talk to PM" event?
    PM Jane: I want to get famous in our community. PM George is kind of becoming an influencer here and I think I can do better. Hahaha...I'm kidding. 
    The reason why I'm here is quite simple - I want to talk with moomoo users and hear from them about their experiences.
    Host: Haha, you are a fun person. On a scale of 1-100, how important is the user feedback to you?
    PM Jane: If you ask me to rate the importance of user experiences from 1-100, I'd put the number as 120. User experience is the most important thing for moomoo product managers like me. The whole team makes all efforts just to satisfy user needs.
    Host: Share with us about the features and stories behind the scene, can't wait!
    PM Jane: I would like to share with you folks the real daily work of we moomoo PMs. Actually, instead of launching new features, optimizing existing features with data and user feedback is our priority. Just like polishing a diamond, we polish the features with endless effort.
    Let me show you an example. I led a project to optimize the "Conditional Order" feature. The Conditional Order feature allows users to submit orders that are only placed if certain market conditions are met, including limit, stop, and stop limit. After the launch, we got some feedback that customers can't really recognize it when using this feature, so we started the optimization immediately.
    The key target was to make this feature more conspicuous, but not obtrusive. To differentiate conditional order with a normal order, we considered grouping the 2 types of orders in the Trade page, but the user journey would be one step longer in that case, which was not what we expected. We want the users not to be bothered for one more step with the issue successfully solved at the same time. We want a perfect plan.
    Many rounds of brainstorms and discussions came behind and the proposals were rejected again and again. But we kept trying. Finally, a small symbol of abbreviation of order types came into our minds. It's such a small change, but a great improvement in user experiences. And this is still not the end, our optimization is always ongoing.
    Host: Wow that's really not easy. What impact does moomoo's product culture have on you?
    PM Jane: moomoo product culture shaped me as a product manager. I am so lucky to be able to work as a moomoo product manager because here we advocate a simple and pure geek spirit, and I love the culture so much.
    Let me share another story. I remembered I was on my way to the "User Demand Assessment Meeting” when one team member told me CEO leaf would also attend.
    Voice in my head was screaming: "What? Am I going to convince our CEO of my product plans? No way! SHOULDN'T our CEO only be concerned with something more important?!"
    I was pretty nervous at the beginning, but soon a geek atmosphere comforted me. I got so much valuable advice from seniors, especially from our CEO. We call him “the first moomoo product manager”. 
    There were no CEO or entry-level executive in that meeting room, but senior & junior product managers who were dedicated to providing the best user experiences. These are the reasons.
    Host: What motivates you most in your career life?
    PM Jane: I am the type of person who would love to help people solve problems. As a product manager, I always expect my products to serve users' needs with the best experiences. When they have positive feedback, it warms my heart. When negative feedback comes, I will work hard on identifying the issue and conquer hurdles based on their suggestions. The greatest incentive, in my opinion, is the satisfaction of users.
    Host: Last but not least, what do you think is the most important characteristic of being a moomoo product manager?
    PM Jane: Empathy, particularly the Cognitive Empathy, comes to my mind first. As a moomoo product manager, I always attempt putting myself in the shoes of users and walk a mile in their shoes. I always ask myself this question: "Will this feature appeal to me as a user? As a user, what will I expect to see?".  When a buddy once asked what superpower I wanted, I immediately replied: "Mind reading!".
    Thank you, Jane! One more round of applauds to Jane, who always cares about our users.
    Vote for her if you like her features and story! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at Moo Features - Talk to PM zone and @PM Jane.
    Read more: Product Story Ep1: PM George - I am a user representative.
    moomoo Product Story Ep2: The Super Power I Wish to Have is Mind Reading!
    moomoo Product Story Ep2: The Super Power I Wish to Have is Mind Reading!
    $Amazon (AMZN.US)$ “We made strong progress in Q3 to build and open new facilities and as a result for the first time since the pandemic began, we are no longer capacity constrained for physical space in the network,” Olsavsky said.
    “September alone we brought online more than 100 new buildings in the United States including fulfillment centers, sort centers, and last-mile delivery stations. For the year, we expect our 2021 footprint additions to exceed last year’s buildout, which was also significant.”
    It is a positive development as Amazon still looking for workers and expanding the workforce. The logistic and warehouse networks are in a optimal mode now as Amazon has been invested heavily to fight off the competition. Amazon should be able to absorbs these material and labor costs easily as AWS still growing very fast and provided profit margin.
    A simple time killer. The short jumps are what always get me.
    Yes mooers! Halloween is coming again, a day full of sweet smell of candies and spooky ghost legends!! There are many fantasy sayings about Halloween, and people hold different opinions about these. For instance, believe it or not, it's generally said that Halloween is also the most haunted day of the year as the old saying goes. And that's why people are keen to dress up in costumes and swarm into the street in order to drive away ghosts. While these legends seems difficult to be confirmed, there are also some anomalies regarding Halloween in the stock market.
    (A review to last year's story >>  Halloween Effect - Sell In May and Go Away)
    "Eat, Drink and Be Merry?" Nah, be SCARY!!
    "Eat, drink and be merry" is popular among young fellows, because life is too short to be wasted. But now what's expected from you guys is "to be scaryyyy"! Exactly, here we want you to share everything related to Halloween. It could be your Halloween makeups, the thrilling moments you've ever had in your life, or some tender stories with family...... I bet most of you must have got a lot to share with mooers, so we have prepared a Halloween gift for everyone.
    Reward points await!
    Based on content quality and originality, winners will be selected and announced around Nov. 12th.
    5 best storytellers will get 888 points
    10 featured posts will get 555 points
    All participants excluding the 15 mooers mentioned above will get 66 points in return for participation (at least 20 words or at least 1 picture related to Halloween vibe to qualify).
    Get your bonus by joining the discussion "Spooky Season Again: Share Your Halloween Vibes and Holiday Moments" before the end of Nov. 7th ET and share your own stories now. We can't wait to read them!
    Once again, happy Halloween to ya all, whatever you are...
    Do not go gentle into that good night...
    Trick or Treat! Give Me Something Good to Read
    Trick or Treat! Give Me Something Good to Read
    Trick or Treat! Give Me Something Good to Read