Printing Money
Found one at Grand Central Station! 🐮
Any Taurus signs out there? ✨
Any Taurus signs out there? ✨

Sounds like Trump is picking winners for state owned companies . Governments are not supposed to interfere with the free market in democracies.
Printing Money
commented on
$Bitcoin (BTC.CC)$ Dog shit American is selling again.
Printing Money
Why this green candle always not happen during NYSE regular trading hour? Why always during Pre-Market🙄
$Bitcoin (BTC.CC)$ $Strategy (MSTR.US)$
$Bitcoin (BTC.CC)$ $Strategy (MSTR.US)$

Printing Money
$Bitcoin (BTC.CC)$ at 1:30 today is when the crypto conference starts it will be broadcast you can pick it up off of YouTube
$Bitcoin (BTC.CC)$ and John Wick have a lot in common don't they? By this I mean a coin is the key isn't it. How does one acquire a coin, Mr. Trump. As for attacking the US with military action , Truth is even more powerful than nuclear weapons. Truth is coming Mr.Trump. When it does the whole American population is going to turn on you including your military. Wars are won not by military force. Real Kings don't need armies to win wars. God gives real Kings wisdom. You are Truly not a...
Printing Money
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$Bitcoin (BTC.CC)$ Start explaining a few things. Things are about to start warming up. Full disclosure . Your executive order has many holes in it. Truth has a funny way of revealing itself. Prepare to start answering many question about your executive order. People with investments are going to be very interested in the Truth . Explain this seizure of funds. because one man knows the truth with a great deal of very compelling evidence to challenge your claim. This is more than even you...
$Bitcoin (BTC.CC)$ is being considered for a strategic reserve. The question is , Why? Everyone thinks if everyone dumped their Bitcoin holdings it would crash and become worthless. This is false because Bitcoin was originally established with a core monetary value that is locked in. This is why mining companies sprang up. There is only one way this core value can be unlocked. Bitcoin came into existence because a mistake was made before it was created. This is because it was not ...
Printing Money
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$Strategy (MSTR.US)$
Whis this $Bitcoin (BTC.CC)$ green candles not happen during Regular Trading hour🙄
Whis this $Bitcoin (BTC.CC)$ green candles not happen during Regular Trading hour🙄