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puraco2023 Private ID: 182086326
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    puraco2023 commented on
    Among the ways to make money, there are businesses like cash flow machines that put money in one's wallet, and they call it unearned income, but I'm not really interested in that kind of way to earn money.
    For example, in an influencer business like mine, if you want to do it, you can pay someone to write an article or script, and then you can make money by creating notes and YouTube with it. But what I want to do the most isn't just to make money; it's about writing my own sentences, creating content, and making presentations, and making money with it, so having someone do it for me feels like I can pick up a game I'm crazy about playing.
    That's why I don't want anyone else to write articles on my behalf, and I want to keep writing whatever I've come up with in the future.
    puraco2023 liked and commented on
    “Riding the boom” is important for both investment and work. That's because a large part of your performance is determined by where you work.
    I think even the best investors could only improve their dull performance if they invested in emerging market stocks in the 2010s. Also, Kathy Wood's performance last year was grotestically terrible.
    If you get out of the boom, no matter how hard you try there, you won't get any results.
    As long as you turn around and get on with the boom, you can expect results that exceed your ability. The influencer business was a business where results beyond one's ability could be expected.
    However, considering that there is no such thing as a boom that lasts forever, I think the influencer business will one day become an unprofitable occupation.
    Also, I think that US stocks, which boomed in the 2010s, will now enter a phase of stagnation.
    However, a new boom is bound to come, so all you have to do is gather your courage and get on with the new boom. (Of course it might go wrong, though.)
    There will probably be a boom in emerging countries and gold in the 2020s, so isn't it OK for the ratio of US stocks to be around 60%? I've been thinking about that lately.
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