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Robert Aguilar Private ID: 70593023
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    Robert Aguilar commented on
    $GameStop (GME.US)$ $AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ I'm just a dude that likes a certain two stonks a lot. Mostly because I write in crayon. Yeah, I just bought what I liked. Turns out what I liked Hedge funds wanted to run out of business and that isn't working out so well for them because a lot of people like what I like. Yes, I understand valuation, yes I can chart, yes I understand popular sediment and yes I understand short interest as it pertains to Public and institutional float. If what I just said does not make sense, get a Reddit account. I have learned more from Reddit in the past 6 months than most people learn in 7 years. I never risk more than I am willing to loose, I do not set stop loss, I do not have sell limits, I use a cash account and I buy and hodl. That's what I do. And most of all I have fun cross posting when I have time. I wish you all happy trading and GME and AMC to da 🌙 🚀‍🚀🚀 🐒. ...
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