Welcome back to "Max Learns to Invest" – our story-driven series that explores moomoo's features through the eyes of Max, our avatar representing new investors like you. Got thoughts or questions? Share them below! We're rewarding 88 points for every comment that provides actionable suggestions or answers to our end-of-article questions. (Offer valid for one week after posting)
Hey mooers, Max ba...
Hey mooers, Max ba...
Hey mooers!
Yes I know what you thinking, Aaron are you trapping me to read again?
Disclaimer: I do hold amounts of shares in MARA and this is purely on my own opinions. Please do your own Due diligence before investing. This is not a recommendation to buy or sell.
Well I just wanted to share what I just heard briefly in the Earnings call and what is my view about MARA.
So why is the CEO holding Bitcoin in the company?
Yes I know what you thinking, Aaron are you trapping me to read again?
Disclaimer: I do hold amounts of shares in MARA and this is purely on my own opinions. Please do your own Due diligence before investing. This is not a recommendation to buy or sell.
Well I just wanted to share what I just heard briefly in the Earnings call and what is my view about MARA.
So why is the CEO holding Bitcoin in the company?