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sekit6a321 Male ID: 181580735
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    ↑ It has nothing to do with stocks, but is it a suspicious trick (Chinese stock) in the group chat where only exploration was included? What I thought came up.
    Share images.
    It is a stock that does not exist in Rakuten or SBI.
    I feel like they set it up by opening another brokerage account. It's a modus operandi similar to 06918.
    What do you guys think?
    Just commenting here, there seems to be quite a bit of damage
    But I think there are only a few people who comment
    I think there are people who don't know this securities app
    I think there are probably 10 times more people who are losing money than those who are complaining about damage here
    Maybe it won't work at 10x
    I think there are not only Japanese people, but also ordinary Chinese and Asian people
    Fraud groups will definitely get their hands on it, and they will continue to be active next year
    But I don't think they'll get caught
    that's because investing is at your own risk
    Also, there are times when profits are being made, so even if the police ask, there are times when you make money, and there are times when you lose money. They'll make excuses like that.
    I would like to add that fraud is absolutely not an act that is permissible. If someone in a fraud group sees this sentence, please leave that group. Please don't do bad things. Please do not deceive ordinary good investors and destroy families
    I would like to tell the management. Please don't delete our text. please. There seem to be quite a few victims. You can take care of the victim's mind even a little bit and reduce the amount of damage...
    sekit6a321 liked and commented on
    What you can look forward to is a short sale buyback starting next year. I don't know if there is one, but I'm hoping there will be a buyback.
    sekit6a321 liked and commented on
    It seems that large (probably Sagi Group) short sold this stock, but if so, I think there will be a short sale buyback, but is there anyone who knows where to determine whether that buyback is over
    Does anyone know if the buyback is over again
    Please tell me more
    sekit6a321 commented on
    Will it be shared? I don't know,
    Maybe! Was it before the crash in merchant stocks began? It's about the beginning, and I'm sending a photo showing that Sakura Kyō from the group chat has unsubscribed.
    It's just speculation.
    There is a Hong Kong fraud woman I've known since 2 years ago, and an email saying that she will LINE at 12:00 Japan time, so please take a look came to my LINE the day before
    That's why I thought there would be some movement before the front game was over
    By the way, it was an email asking me to sell it at the price of 2.6.
    I received an email saying that I have set it many times and that I should send a screenshot
    I sold all 10,000 shares at the opening price of 2.5.
    By the way, I sent an email in the evening asking if there are any other brands you would recommend, but they said they weren't
    As far as I'm concerned, I think this brand is probably being sold short. I think they will definitely buy back and the stock price will rise. I don't know how much the stock price will rise.
    sekit6a321 commented on
    Okawa Tomohiro, Hashita Sarina (Assistant), Yamano Keiko (Assistant), and others are also welcome to exchange information 😊
    $HSC RESOURCES(01850.HK)$
    I wonder if today is the maximum? what do you think? Buying instructions at 0.58 at the beginning of December there were selling instructions at 0.9 on 12/13, but I bought 0.4 on 11/27 and if it sold around 1.40 today, it would have been 3.4 times ~, I was scared and couldn't get my hands on it (no, I bought it once), but it was a month where I felt like going on an adventure with “Don't Get in the Tiger Cave Zunba No Torako” ('')
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