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senkoi Private ID: 182793692
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    $OSE Nikkei 225 Futures(DEC4) (NK225main.JP)$ $USD/JPY (USDJPY.FX)$ $E-mini NASDAQ 100 Futures(DEC4) (NQmain.US)$
    *Top 5 approval ratings as follows
    List of candidates for the presidential election
    (Support rate according to the opinion poll "Next suitable person for the next LDP president" conducted by the Nikkei Shimbun and TV Tokyo on the 21st and 22nd)
    <Declared to run>
    Taro Kono, Digital Minister (7%)
    Takanori Kobayashi, Former Minister of Economic Security (8%)
    Shigeru Ishiba, Former Secretary-General of the Liberal Democratic Party (18%)
    <Candidates Outlook (Based on Reporting)>
    Shinjiro Koizumi, Former Environment Minister (23%)
    Yoshimasa Hayashi, Chief Cabinet Secretary (2%)
    Toshimitsu Motegi, Secretary-General of the Liberal Democratic Party (1%)
    <Show enthusiasm for running for office (based on reports)>
    Saito Ken, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry (1%)
    Takai Sanae, Minister of Economic Security (11%)
    Kato Katsunobu, former Chief Cabinet Secretary (1%)
    Foreign Minister Akiko Jo (6%)
    Former Liberal Democratic Party General Affairs Chairman Seiko Noda (1%)
    Pre-election survey
    There is a saying that even on a stone, there are three years.
    Every year, I give this kind of speech to new graduates and new employees.
    "Endure and work hard without quitting. If you do that, naturally the people around you will quit, so you will automatically become successful."
    I always feel that index and leverage ETFs are similar to this. As people around them quit, the company has more opportunities to promote the remaining employees.
    On the other hand, in the world of investment, there are people who sell (exit), so there is an opportunity for those of us who remain in the market to buy in the stock market crash bargain sale. After all, investment is buying and selling, so without someone to sell, the transaction cannot be completed.
    While I think it may be time to retreat from individual stocks, I hope that those who invest in indexes or leveraged ETFs will take advantage of this bargain sale.
    This stock market crash is a temporary hurricane. There is no hurricane that will continue to stagnate forever, so I think it will eventually change to an upward trend. That's how the history of the US stock market has been.
    $Direxion Daily Technology Bull 3X Shares ETF (TECL.US)$
    $Direxion Daily 20+ Year Treasury Bull 3X Shares ETF (TMF.US)$ I think the adjustment of stocks, especially those related to high technology, is still in the early stages. There may be scenes where long-term bonds are sold to resolve the inverted yield. As the risk is currently at its maximum, sometimes it is necessary to observe quietly. Unless it involves excessive leverage, the indices will eventually rebound. It may be that most of the new NISA group will exit, but the bond market is just getting started, isn't it?
    Just by looking at the calendar,
    The most recent dividend stocks
    It's easy to grasp and convenient.
    What's more, the amount per share is also out,
    Which should I prioritize when purchasing
    I can make a decision right away.
    good 💕 good 💕 calendar 💕
    Dividend calendar ✨ useful ✨
    Dividend calendar ✨ useful ✨
    It seems quite likely that the market will adjust according to this scenario as we head into the end of summer. Despite the current low interest rates, the small-cap stock index is weak. $iShares Russell 2000 ETF (IWM.US)$ The weakness of the small-cap stock index suggests a bearish economic outlook.
    $Direxion Daily 20+ Year Treasury Bull 3X Shares ETF (TMF.US)$
    The rotation of stock sectors seems to be taking a breather, with the expectation that cash will flow into bonds and gold as the market gets out in the summer drought market. I plan to hold until at least the end of October.
    Initially cautious of inflation resurgence, but seeing that Trump also seems to want to promote his country's commodities, and is pursuing a policy of immediate interest rate cuts and a weaker dollar, I have determined to buy with confidence.
    $Direxion Daily 20+ Year Treasury Bull 3X Shares ETF (TMF.US)$ ここ一年でいえば、この銘柄に関して独自の理屈で、景気後退が来る!皆んなでガチホしましょう!などの煽り文句で痛い目に遭わされた方も多いかと思います。そう言った人に関しては、自身の過ちを認められず固執してしまう、また他人を否定しがちな危険なタイプであることが多いので惑わされず、自分で考えることが大事です。投資は売り抜けるゲームであり、慰め合いなど何の意味もない孤独な戦いです。また、バフェットがいうとおりごく一握りの人間を除いては、というかプロですら指数に勝てないのですから、FRBは間違える、などと軽率に口に出すような人たちも信用してはいけません。自分たちを遥かに超越する人間たちが相場を動かしているわけですから、常に謙虚にいきましょう。
    After the end of business hours on Friday EST 7/12, Broadcom plans to implement a “1 split 10 minute split,” and stocks after the split will begin trading before the market on 7/15.
    Since the official announcement of the stock split plan, $Broadcom (AVGO.US)$ An increase of 14% or more has been accumulated from the performance of Broadcom's financial results for the second quarter exceeded expectations, $NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ The full-year earnings forecast was raised in line with the pace of According to historical data, stock splits are usually viewed as a bullish signal from the marketInvestors will be able to buy lower transaction prices through splits, which will increase liquidity. Related analysts have shown a bullish view on Broadcom's stock split.
    At major banks, $Bank of America (BAC.US)$ but $Broadcom (AVGO.US)$ The target stock price was raised twice in one month, and it is currently bullish at $2,150.
    $Direxion Daily 20+ Year Treasury Bull 3X Shares ETF (TMF.US)$
    Oh, the yield curve is about to return to normal.
    Since February, I have been honestly adhering to the teaching that “it is most profitable to hide shame and go buy stocks from high prices that have produced good financial results.”
    NVDA is the only individual stock portfolio. Buy & hold until you make a financial mistake even after June. I decided that this is currently the lowest risk/high return strategy.
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