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SENRI Male ID: 182185719
米国株にてバリュー投資にて受け取った配当を再投資している投資家です。 連続増配、増配率、EPSを重視。
    SENRI voted
    $NVIDIA(NVDA.US)$Stock splits were carried out several times in the early 2000s, but most recently, 1 share was split into 4 shares in 2021/7.
    Of course, since the split just 3 years ago, the stock price has risen 5 times, and the stock price has reached 947.8 dollars at the time of writing this article, so it is not an exaggeration to think that there is a possibility that the company will choose a stock split again.
    NVIDIA predicted the AI revolution much faster than other competitors in the same industry and built a long lead spanning several years. In fact, Nvidia has been investing in the CUDA software ecosystem since 2006. CUDA enables developers to program Nvidia graphics processors for data processing, and realizes AI. ChatGPT will be introduced in the latter half of 2022, and that foresight seems like a genius blow. Being 17 years ahead of competitors, AI developers have built most of their applications with CUDA, making it difficult for competitors to advance.
    Last October, management changed the speed of announcing new chip architectures from once every 2 years to 1 year...
    SENRI liked
    We've prepared a few recommended articles to get started with investing.
    In this article, I would like to introduce the “five major trading companies” loved by Mr. Buffett. Let's consider the merits of investing in individual stocks from the “oversized theme” of Mr. Buffett's investment trends. For more information on other investment themes, please check here!
    The 3 stocks I would also like to consider investing in under the new NISA framework are attractive for their outstanding stability and dividend yields of over 3%
    Let's find stocks from shareholder benefits!
    As the Nikkei Average hits the highest value after the bubble, what is attracting particular attention“Five major trading companies” loved by Mr. Buffettthat's it. The five major trading companies have all shown increases in stock prices over the past 1 year, but when comparing the rate of increase of each trading company,Mitsubishi Corp. saw a 146% increase in performance that went beyond its headI'm doing it. Mitsui & Co., Ltd. recorded increases of 88%, Marubeni 73%, Sumitomo Corporation of 69%, and ITOCHU Corporation of 62%, which is well above the Nikkei Average. Mr. Buffett, a famous American investor, began investing in Japanese trading company stocks in 2019, and announced in 2020/8 that he holds 5% or more of each company's shares. that...
    Buffett is paying attention to investing in Japanese stocks! The stocks of the five major trading companies have had the highest rate of increase of over 140% since the beginning of '23
    Buffett is paying attention to investing in Japanese stocks! The stocks of the five major trading companies have had the highest rate of increase of over 140% since the beginning of '23
    Buffett is paying attention to investing in Japanese stocks! The stocks of the five major trading companies have had the highest rate of increase of over 140% since the beginning of '23
    SENRI voted
    This article uses automatic translation for some of its parts
    While the possibility that artificial intelligence (AI) will drastically increase electricity demand is being hotly discussed in the market, US electric power stocks have experienced a strong rise.
    Within the United States, we develop the electric power business through our subsidiaries, perform power generation, wholesale electricity, fuel transportation/management, fuel asset optimization, risk management, etc., and provide integrated power solutions including retail sales of electricity and related products to general households, and power generation project businesses $Vistra Energy(VST.US)$ What is the stock price ofIt has risen drastically by 96% or more since the beginning of the year, $NVIDIA(NVDA.US)$ Exceeded the rate of increase. Furthermore, $Constellation Energy(CEG.US)$ with $NRG Energy(NRG.US)$ The stocks of the two energy companies also showed excellent performance, and year-to-dateThe rate of increase has reached 65.51% and 41.83%, respectively。
    This rise in stock prices is due to the optimistic expectations that the market has for the development of AI technology...
    Surpassing AI giant NVIDIA!? The top 3 US electric power stocks surged 96% year to date!
    Surpassing AI giant NVIDIA!? The top 3 US electric power stocks surged 96% year to date!
    Surpassing AI giant NVIDIA!? The top 3 US electric power stocks surged 96% year to date!
    SENRI liked
    🇺🇸 There are no events and the stock market doesn't move
    Was the NASDAQ brilliantly played at a high price last time
    Crude oil falls and attention is paid to gold
    So determine if it's an inflation concern or a recession concern!
    ➡️ #米国株 ↘️ VIX
    The Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, and NASDAQ stopped near the previous high
    Pay attention to whether it is possible to drop even higher after adjustments
    The highest rate of increase is $NVDA $MSFT $GOOGL
    VIX hasn't changed much 14.44
    ↘️ Interest rate ↗️ #ドル円 ↘️ crude oil
    Interest rates have fallen and support has finally fallen!
    The dollar yen is rising! The circle is too weak!
    Crude oil fell further to the 75 dollar range due to the slowdown in the Chinese economy
    ↘️ Gold ↗️ Cryptocurrency Bitcoin Ethereum #BTC #Bitcoin #ETH
    There is no cause for concern and gold is falling
    Despite disputes, Bitcoin is rising today too!
    ↗️ #日本株
    #日経先物 is above the current price
    The first thing to do is not to fall for stock appreciation
    Is tomorrow SQ day
    If you make a push and can't rise, you're in a pinch
    Midnight today 🇺🇸 Chairman Powell's remarks
    Next Tuesday 🇺🇸 US CPI
    It was played at a high price last time on the NASDAQ. Tomorrow is SQ day for Japanese stocks.
    It was played at a high price last time on the NASDAQ. Tomorrow is SQ day for Japanese stocks.
    SENRI liked
    Goldman's top trading of the financial season: buy call options for these stocks for settlement ❗️ GS believes that the negative sentiment in stock prices over the past few days has brought favorable trades to many companies for the financial results reporting season starting this week. The company recommends the purchase of call options for individual companies' financial results announcements as the top “tactical” trade for financial results. GS analyst John Marshall said on Thursday, “The movements on the financial day suggested by options are rising, which suggests investors are nervous about future earnings reports. This nervousness increases the possibility that stock prices will skyrocket on the settlement day, and investors are fighting against many headwinds, which fuels anxiety about financial results. The S&P 500 index, which is the benchmark, has fallen 2% in the past 3 months in data showing that inflation and interest rates are at a high level for the first time in 16 years. The start of the war between Israel and Hamas on Saturday has also fueled anxiety over the already tight oil market. Goldman uses a unique model to take advantage of the nervous situation that is spurring Misprice's earnings forecasts...
    SENRI commented on
    To the 3 users who made the closest predictionsAmazon worth 500 yenI will give you a gift certificate.
    [How to participate]
    NVIDIA's until 8/24 5 a.m. Japan timeClosing price on 8/24Please anticipate it and post it! (Example: The closing price is expected to be 465 dollars). It would be great if you also had your own investment ideas! Start posting now!
    To all investors
    NVIDIA's 2024 Q2 financial results briefing Aftermarket on August 23It is scheduled to be held at (8/24 6:00 a.m. Japan time). What is the consensus on sales11 billion dollarsSo, an increase of 64.8% compared to the previous year is expected. Net profit after adjustment5.2 billion dollarsSo, it is expected to increase by 299.8% from the previous year.
    NVIDIA boasts the world's No. 1 share of GPUs for generative AIThe announcement of financial results will bring insight into the growth of data centers to which GPU, which is the core business, belongs, and the future direction of the semiconductor industry. You may be able to find more trading opportunities by receiving financial results!
    (*The financial results will be announced on the morning of the 24th Japan time...
    [Get benefits] Get benefits by predicting the closing price of the high-profile NVIDIA after the Q2 financial results are announced!Expand
    SENRI voted
    Everyone, welcome to moomoo's new featured investment story!
    This time, we invited Mr. PAN to talk about his investment experience. How did they choose the investment market and how did they earn 100 million yen in 5 years? How did you reflect when your investment failed...
    I was also asked to answer the questions I had received from everyone beforehand. Let's take a look at PAN's answers together!
    ──What led you to start investing? Have you ever woken up to investing?
    PAN: I was living in the US when I started investing in American stocks in 2013, and when I noticed, my bank account balance was around 300,000 dollars.At that time, the US also had zero interest ratesSo even if you keep it in a bank, it won't increase.Investments are importantI had that input into my head, and I thought I had to do something, so I started investing.
    The reason I started investing in the first place was that when I went to an American bank for some kind of errand, the person at the counter said, “It's a waste not to manage even though I have quite a bit of balance. I will introduce the person in charge of operation.” I was told that 2 Japanese women were introduced...
    US Stock Investor Interview! What is the secret to building assets of 100 million yen or more by investing in stocks ⁉️
    SENRI liked
    - American Petroleum Institute (API) reports an unexpected rise in US crude oil inventories by 377,000 barrels, contrary to analysts’ expectations of a 1.3 million barrel draw.
    - This year’s crude oil inventory gain now stands at more than 49 million barrels.
    - SPR inventory drops for the second week in a row to 369.6 million barrels, the lowest amount of crude oil in SPR since November 1983.
    - US crude oil production remains steady at 12.2 millio...
    SPR hit its lowest level since November 1983!
    SPR hit its lowest level since November 1983!
    SPR hit its lowest level since November 1983!
    What kind of study did you do to get an overview of the market? Other than the actual market price, I'd like to know if there are any books or things you've used as a reference.