Sherwin Apilado
This is a common question that comes up among investors. There is no right or wrong answer but for those who are not adept at timing the market or who have no time or energy to monitor the market everyday, I feel dollar cost averaging (DCA) is an easier and safer approach as it averages out the per unit cost over time. Putting aside a set amount of money for investment at regular intervals is analogous to a form of regular savings (albeit with a higher level of risk tha...

Sherwin Apilado
reacted to
Hey Mooers!
The Fed announced a 50 basis point interest rate cut on Sep 18, once again starting a monetary easing cycle after four years.
How will US rate cuts influence the global market?
What assets are more likely to outperform in the U.S. interest rate cut cycle?
Join moomoo’s global strategists for an in-depth discussion on how the Fed’s move could potentially impact your portfolio in the short and long term. And here’s a recap ...
The Fed announced a 50 basis point interest rate cut on Sep 18, once again starting a monetary easing cycle after four years.
How will US rate cuts influence the global market?
What assets are more likely to outperform in the U.S. interest rate cut cycle?
Join moomoo’s global strategists for an in-depth discussion on how the Fed’s move could potentially impact your portfolio in the short and long term. And here’s a recap ...

Sherwin Apilado
I did gradually realize that dining costs were going up. ![]()
For dining out, Toast Box raised their prices again this year!
But then you see news like Putien restaurants absorbing GST and waiving service charges.
It's a mixed bag...but I've personally cut down on eating out. Instead, I've been buying groceries and cooking at home – it's cheaper and fun for gatherings with friends and family.![]()
I've also started using house brand products. Honestly, some of...
For dining out, Toast Box raised their prices again this year!
I've also started using house brand products. Honestly, some of...
Sherwin Apilado
Moomoo now offers crypto trading!![]()
We know many of you are excited, but beginners might find terms like 'blockchain,' 'cold wallet,' 'private key,' and 'public key' confusing.![]()
Let’s simplify them for you!
Why crypto emerged
Fiat currencies like the Singapore dollar or US dollar are backed by governments. However, excessive money printing can lead to inflation and decreased value. Cryptocurrencies aim to create a transparent, fair, and...
We know many of you are excited, but beginners might find terms like 'blockchain,' 'cold wallet,' 'private key,' and 'public key' confusing.
Let’s simplify them for you!
Why crypto emerged
Fiat currencies like the Singapore dollar or US dollar are backed by governments. However, excessive money printing can lead to inflation and decreased value. Cryptocurrencies aim to create a transparent, fair, and...

Sherwin Apilado
Singapore is my home and where my heart lies. There is nowhere else in the world where you can find authentic Singapore food. I hope Singapore and her people will never forget how far we have come as a nation and continue to maintain racial harmony and forge a better life for everyone, regardless of the challenges that lie ahead. Happy
Can you spot my favourite stock in the photo?
$DBS (D05.SG)$
$UOB (U11.SG)$ $OCBC Bank (O39.SG)$
PS: Cast your v...
Can you spot my favourite stock in the photo?
$UOB (U11.SG)$ $OCBC Bank (O39.SG)$
PS: Cast your v...
