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Taca〻 Male ID: 181691752
FX自動売買と米株がメイン 雑誌外国為替連載中 米株の真髄はインデックス、レバレッジ、ドルコスト平均法、複利と信じる‼️
    "Sell in May" is a well-known saying among many investors, but its continuation is not widely known.
    Sell in May, never come back until St. Leger's Day.
    This saying dates back to 18th century in the United Kingdom, and it originated from the habit of investors at that time avoiding the quiet summer season and returning to the market on St. Leger's Day in September.
    The St. Leger Stakes is one of the classic horse races in the United Kingdom, also symbolizing the beginning of autumn.
    The reason why stock prices are expected to rise in September is due to the revival of market activity as corporate activities resume and investors return after a quiet summer period.
    Especially after St. Leger's Day, new investment opportunities increase, leading to a tendency of rising stock prices.
    This year's St. Leger's Day will be held on September 14th. It is expected that the market will become active after this day, and there will be a sharp rise in stock prices from the third week.
    The decline this week may be a great opportunity to buy.
    According to market consensus, the interest rate cut is expected to begin in November 2023 with a target rate of 1.25%.
    A gradual interest rate cut of 0.25% is expected at each FOMC meeting, and if this pace continues, there is a high likelihood that the interest rate cut will be completed by mid-2025.
    However, as the interest rate cut progresses, the market will begin to factor in the end time.
    As the interest rate cut reaches its later stages, stock prices may be influenced and stop rising.
    In other words, a strategy is needed that takes into account the fact that the market is already starting to move in anticipation of the end of the interest rate cuts.
    What we should be thinking about is not the timing of the interest rate cuts starting, but how the market will move when the interest rate cuts end.
    A strategy based on that timing will determine the success or failure of future investments.
    Most investors believe that returns can be maximized by purchasing when stock prices drop. The volatility is particularly high $Direxion Daily Semiconductor Bull 3x Shares ETF (SOXL.US)$For products such as these, you will feel that it is more advantageous to enter when the market price falls.
    We simulated which is more efficient, whether to actually buy with the dollar cost averaging method every month or to buy them all at once when a certain% drop.
    Period: past 10 years
    ① Dollar cost averaging method (monthly fixed purchase): simple strategy to invest 0.1 million yen each month in SOXL
    ② Purchases when falling: Invest in drinks when the stock price falls by 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%
    *Investments will be suspended for months when the conditions are not met, and the accumulated funds will be invested in a lump sum after the conditions are met.
    The simulation results were unexpected,
    Strategies that buy a fixed amount every month have higher returns than any other strategyI showed it.
    The next highest return was 5%, and the worst was 40%.
    “It's more profitable to buy when it falls...
    $McDonald's (MCD.US)$
    MCD 99株以下の端数を310で買い戻しのコーポレートアクション
    OPEN AIがどうとか話題になってますが、噂が出た頃ちょい前から2σ乖離、結局アルトマンは元の鞘にもどるってことは、この数日の動きは、かまってちゃんだったと予想!この話題でなんとか2σタッチ回帰を目論みましたが届かず。みたいなメンヘラだったのかと妄想!一旦は移動平均まで帰って年末年始が妥当な流れ?
    futuは富途 moomooは牛牛のようですね。bullぽくてステキです
    Currency intervention, US interest rate cut -> Yen appreciation and Dollar depreciation.
    Selling US-listed index ETFs and switching to Japan-listed ETFs and investment trusts with currency hedging to reduce losses from Yen appreciation is a good idea.
    It's my mistake, but I hit Aero Edge. The price is 1,690 yen
    Today's listing and buying boards are close to 10 times the sales volume.
    As a result of analyzing past data, the most accurate predicted value for 96ut is 3,900 yen
    Today's final price is 3,890 yen will it stay entangled until tomorrow! I'm going to have fun