4 Systemic Risks That Might Cause the Next Stock Market Crash
1. Low Interest Rates
2. Government Cash Stimulus
3. Property & Equity Bubbles
4. Inflation
Twelve years of low interest rates mean that the yields on government bonds are close to zero. This means that the extra capital available through government stimulus needs to be invested somewhere, that somewhere is equities and property. The Nasdaq 100 is up 122% since the bottom of the crash in March 2020 and up 53% from the previous all-tim...
1. Low Interest Rates
2. Government Cash Stimulus
3. Property & Equity Bubbles
4. Inflation
Twelve years of low interest rates mean that the yields on government bonds are close to zero. This means that the extra capital available through government stimulus needs to be invested somewhere, that somewhere is equities and property. The Nasdaq 100 is up 122% since the bottom of the crash in March 2020 and up 53% from the previous all-tim...
$TheHourGlass (AGS.SG)$ broke new 52wks high, lets see how high it can go this round? Vol is strong also.