$Conduit Pharmaceuticals (CDT.US)$
I have no skin in this one just my observation since 4pm EST today.
I have no skin in this one just my observation since 4pm EST today.
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$Conduit Pharmaceuticals (CDT.US)$ i get trapped but hope will back
$Conduit Pharmaceuticals (CDT.US)$
whoever is new to trading, you see the 1 share bidding is a new exploit of the trading engine to bring prices either lower if buying or higher if selling which disrupts the moment for another run. If this is not fixed we f*****. Moomoo I hope you are paying attention to put limits on share purchases.
whoever is new to trading, you see the 1 share bidding is a new exploit of the trading engine to bring prices either lower if buying or higher if selling which disrupts the moment for another run. If this is not fixed we f*****. Moomoo I hope you are paying attention to put limits on share purchases.
$Conduit Pharmaceuticals (CDT.US)$ very suspicious...All this penny runs consistently popping up randomly and 1nes bidding coming out of nowhere.
$Wag! Group (PET.US)$ The swamp of 1ne😂 to a penny. Day trading is not for the faint.
$PMGC Holdings (ELAB.US)$ And still we can't do shit about it. I learned a valuable lesson today. If ain't in your control don't play with it...play for small gains and stick to your principles
commented on
$PMGC Holdings (ELAB.US)$
%turnover (3000%+) is crazy..and deeping at <$.029 smh with a huge volume almost with a B smh.
%turnover (3000%+) is crazy..and deeping at <$.029 smh with a huge volume almost with a B smh.
$PMGC Holdings (ELAB.US)$ wow, the force is strong on this one. It will go back up because they greedy but they will play your ass till 4pm. Trade smart or do what they do (buy low sell high)
$PMGC Holdings (ELAB.US)$ all this comments are luring people to buy in , and they are the one shorting , be careful lmao