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Wilee_One Male ID: 74076070
Christian, husband, father, grandfather, Soldier and former Marine. Semper Fi!
    $LQR House (LQR.US)$ Another day, another opportunity to lose equity. No word, no intervention, no comments…just bleeding red. I wish I never fell for Sean’s bs.
    $LQR House (LQR.US)$ NFT bs isn’t going to move the needle. This stock is and will be stuck in limbo until leadership stands up. It has been 6 weeks since the people who patiently waited for a dividend ended up holding a sack of shit 2:3 split. it doesnt matter what you call that sack, it is still shit. LQR needs to give answers, focus on revenue and work a buyback/legit dividend. Let’s fucking go already!!
    $LQR House (LQR.US)$ I anticipate, with the stock price bottoming, losses to be reported tomorrow. If CEO Dollinger’s compensation is still stratospheric, someone needs to rein his ass in. Also, I’m still waiting for an explanation of the dividend that somehow morphed into a split.
    $LQR House (LQR.US)$ Radio silence continues from leadership. I wish I knew what to make of the stock or its future. Someone should at least apologize for lying to stockholders and attempt some type of face-saving move. No one seems to be at the wheel of this foundering ship.
    $LQR House (LQR.US)$ Sure would be nice if someone from LQR would apeak up. Before the bullshit “dividend”, the CEO Dollinger was all over X and even Youtube, now? Nothing. Im starting to feel like I have been fleeced.
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