It seems like the cryptos begin to fall. Bitcoin with other currencies such as ETH, EOS, LTC and XRP might seem to be crossing their 52 week low values soon. It seem like this trend will continue and the Bitcoin will end up around $6400 to $6600. This might force other new currencies to devalue in the market and shut down. This value might remain for around a week to fully shut the new crypto currencies. Those cryptos which will survive this will be the future leaders of the cryptos. The time around this fall period will be a very good investment for our MooMoo users.
Good Luck
JOSUESHARES : Never trusted cryptos
Anonymoo 楼主 : Understandable opinion because of too much uncertainty. However, there are limited number of BITCOINS in the world, which makes it more trustworthy currency than any other printable paper currencies of the world. Another thing is, some Bitcoin wallets are planning to expand their research to a credit card or Bitcoin debit card. This will immensely make the Bitcoins more valuable than any other currencies in the world. Since, it has a transaction in public barrier which is holding it down.