That's short-term but the real play isn't there that might be the next week or so but for the long-term I think you guys need to start picking up call options you have to realize the stock market over all dropped 16% and it's never done it in such a fast pace in history normally it would take two to three months for it to retrace 10% so with that said your best investment right now is to buy call options in the downtrend and wait it out on all the bigger companies because it dropping 16% off the Spy that's huge that means the overall Market was down all these companies are oversold and today's Raleigh it was because of all these big investors use an AI or triggered because they read the market as oversold and before the second correction they comes out I think you guys need to start buying call options on all the larger companies that lost so much and wait it out and that will be your biggest opportunity for the biggest returnAnd if you really want to take advantage of both ends you can get the temporary put options on some of the companies that you are confident are going to still continue the drop for the next week or so and then have your call options already in place that way it will Allstate your losses on the down train on your call options you pull your profits when the correction starts to make its way back up
70065450 : 但是合同太贵了!
Trader-101 楼主 70065450 : 买你能负担得起的其他东西
SmrtTrader : 朋友我完全同意这个观点。昨晚我甚至写了一篇关于大公司股票的低价现在如何成为礼物的文章。即使你直接买入股票或看涨期权然后又亏损了几美元,只要等着回去看看图表看看在市场修正开始这一切之前的价格在哪里。只要耐心等待,价格就会回升。
Trader-101 楼主 SmrtTrader : 今天凌晨 3:30 看看我的帖子我告诉所有人,他们应该确保利润,在盘前退出持有的生物技术股票,因为股票将发生变化
Violets : 我认为至少从现在起到大选之间你是对的。只会变得更加疯狂。
Trader-101 楼主 SmrtTrader : 据我所知,我看中国股市香港市场是晚上开盘的,所以当我们的股市收盘时,我会看到他们真实的走势迹象,尽管他们已经撤回了几乎所有的游戏,但他们像我们今天一样以绿色开盘,这很好地表明我们的市场会很好地尝试这个你必须意识到大多数大叛徒他们不这样做任何东西他们都有可以读取市场并为他们执行的 i 程序,所以当 I Market 在短时间内下跌这么多时。有时候它会触发他们将市场解读为超卖并开始进行大额购买,这就是我们今天获得的飞跃
Violets : 你能否推荐 YouTube 上最好的培训小组或 YouTube 上最好的培训师来学习选项?
ChristinaLEA Violets :
ChristinaLEA Violets :
Trader-101 楼主 Violets : 乐透 x