remember guys one of the key things you always need to know and understand one of the biggest facts of being a profitable trader is being a good loser when market sentiment changes like this and shifts you got to know when to cut ties and walk away even if you're a few dollars down cuz if not that few dollars ends up turning into you know 20 30 40 50% as long as you always cut your ties and set stop losses your winds are going to far outweigh your losses we've gained over 250% today I lost about 30% on the on the puts so just remember that when you're trading and you always come out on top
MOBBCERE11 : 我刚选了一个亏损的人
Trader-101 楼主 MOBBCERE11 : 我在你身上亏损了但是从我今天发布的地方来看,我们还有将近 250% 的折扣,所以你会损失一些,只要确保你的赢大于亏损为自己设定止损 10% 的期权可接受的 15%,仅此而已