Thank you for this one! I made quite some money on Tesla because of you. Do you mind share on what indication for it to go up early this morning? I saw it went down first.
this is one stock that I trade frequently and I knew it would be bullish going into earnings and should trade even higher for the next few days to week
Trader-101 楼主 : I sold my put with a couple hundred in gains and now I'm riding my call
70078149 : Opinion on spy ?
Trader-101 楼主 70078149 : I think unless Tesla goes in the green the spy not going to go in the green either
Trader-101 楼主 : in at 29
Blaazin1 : couldn't play it, to expensive for my account. soon though. lol
flashforward : Thank you for this one! I made quite some money on Tesla because of you. Do you mind share on what indication for it to go up early this morning? I saw it went down first.
Trader-101 楼主 flashforward : you haven't seen nothing yet I hope you didn't sell it
Trader-101 楼主 flashforward : this is one stock that I trade frequently and I knew it would be bullish going into earnings and should trade even higher for the next few days to week
Trader-101 楼主 flashforward : my price target is 825