Trickie 楼主 : any thoughts I am new to trading and picked this one up last week
Clownarado : I sold 80 percent of mine at .37 and looking to buy back in at 33-34? Wait and see where it lands.
Trickie 楼主 Clownarado : gotcha thanks
Clownarado Trickie 楼主 : Looks like I got lucky so far. Back up from .33
Trickie 楼主 : any thoughts I am new to trading and picked this one up last week
Clownarado : I sold 80 percent of mine at .37 and looking to buy back in at 33-34? Wait and see where it lands.
Trickie 楼主 Clownarado : gotcha thanks
Clownarado Trickie 楼主 : Looks like I got lucky so far. Back up from .33