

那里很混乱?有人能给我扔一块炸弹屁股骨头吗?我要杀了这个。谁能给我一个严肃的线索。我不能 —— 当我持有几万美元时拒绝申请破产 —— 有人能帮我翻一番或三倍。我的警报让我大吃一惊。PTI、TTI、VVPR、LIVX 等他们不会停下来... 拜托?打电话还是买入??拜托了——我不能在短短的 6 个月的糟糕生活中申请破产。
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浏览 2621
  • Lou Blacksail : I feel like buying 100 shares of stocks, and then sell a call for above what you paid for a week or 2 out is the best you can do with the least amount of risk, if it goes down buy it back lower, if it goes up hope they execute. if they don't execute and it goes up, you keep the collateral. sorry I dont know tickets doing well, the only thing I know is how to buy at a low market price, and eveything mostly is discounted now. you'll most likely never see prices like these last 2 months again.

  • Lou Blacksail : above the strike you bought it at, for example. I spent 111$ buying 100 shares of htz for 1.11 each share. then I sold 1 contract of htz for 1.50 that expires next week for 10$. that contract already was worth 5 less just after I bought it. Thursdays and fridays are pattern days where stocks like to float and fall. (not many traders like holding stocks over the weekends.)

  • Lou Blacksail : sold it rather. why is there no editing comments here?

  • Feel_Fear_to_LIVE 楼主 Lou Blacksail : I know. I may have modified somewhere- but no- I think it’s all or none. You are amazing. I just have to be sure. So many short sellers are screwing up the rotation- damn- no hate- if it benefit me greatly- I could see doing it but yes buy low sell high is almost all I know. But some people pick up calls or sell put and have little risk- I just don’t understand the risk v gain- like which is most profitable. Thanks these are awesome ideas there’s a million to choose
    From. Just avoid the PDT. Ugh

  • Lou Blacksail : Thank you! Yeah pdt sucks. was literally locked for 90 days when I first started and knew very little about this. Glad it helped!

    low stocks to watch Ford, HTZ, LK,

    stocks that have a chart that say they were very high priced at one time and dropped significantly are signs they have had Reverse Splits and unless you have done your DD I suggest steering clear of those. I don't know how new you are, but options are complex more for advanced user. I recommend paper trading options and stocks for a while before sinking any money into this. It may look easy, but it is far from it, otherwise everyone would be doing this.

  • The_Chad : move to forex if you're under ptd. there's s lot of good signals out there. if not... trade Tillray  buy at 9 range and sell at 11.3 ...its consistent and safer than stockhopping

  • Rickey Newell : personally and I know nothing literally about the marked am day trading options(puts and calls.  first try first day profited  550 from staying with 5k. 5550 in account at close.  truck us you gotta have 25k in the account sitting there from my understanding otherwise you get restricted for pattern day trading.

  • Lou Blacksail : If any is confused about PDT, I know first hand, you get 3 day trades per 5 trading days each day trade. It is only considered a day trade when you buy then sell the same ticker symbol. You can sell a stock you held, and buy it back the same day and it will not trigger a day trade.

    I'm not sure about options, but I've gotten myself almost completely bankrupt from them before. Be very very careful with options. They can make or break your portfolio with one good or bad trade.

Feel the fear & do it anyway New - not afraid S w/ 2 girls