Twentyeight : Here goes hopefully
consealit 楼主 Twentyeight : Its knocking down the walls for a run
Q Castillo consealit 楼主 : Volume went down from 10 million to 1
consealit 楼主 Q Castillo : They put up fake walls to scare people into selling their shares into the next big buy. There isnt anyone selling more then 1000 shares all the way to 1.30
Twentyeight : Here goes hopefully
consealit 楼主 Twentyeight : Its knocking down the walls for a run
Q Castillo consealit 楼主 : Volume went down from 10 million to 1
consealit 楼主 Q Castillo : They put up fake walls to scare people into selling their shares into the next big buy. There isnt anyone selling more then 1000 shares all the way to 1.30