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omg. sold at 14.73.
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  • Lou Blacksail : wow congrats! you started after me and are doing way better! next time you feel discouraged, just think about my 8.00 portfolio... ;) it will all be okay.

  • Lou Blacksail : now just get some Tesla calls and hold for a week.

  • Feel_Fear_to_LIVE楼主 Lou Blacksail: But I’m unemployed and no unemployment bc TN can’t get their shit together...... I’m living off profits but lately I’m losing my ass. That was Devine intervention.... and I need it. Thx.

  • B too Humble : Why u sell?

  • Lou Blacksail B too Humble: cause smart traders claim their profit. especially since they just said that they are living jobless with no unemployment. ;)

  • Feel_Fear_to_LIVE楼主 B too Humble: It peaked at 50.00- it was so erratic Ann’s fluctuating between 30.00-not 50 again. I gained almost 1500- in three hours- and at the same time I sold at 47... it was seriously jumping in the thirties so somehow within the mania- I was desperate not to lose. I may have jumped back in but this was so time consuming bc end of day. Yea. I would have loved an extra 182 x 13.00 (I refuse to calculate) but if I let it plummet and it was just a psychological run (which I honestly believe it was) eventually- most would have realized and cashed out while they were ahead. I think many who may have missed the initial entry- def was able to profit the 2nd come around. I bought a batch at 6.xx and a batch at 7.00- it just blew up. —- I have no income so I had to secure what I had. I couldn’t afford the risk. I’m not as experienced as it seems. I look for the biggest losers in 5/15/30 etc minutes vs gainers... look at news to back it up, inside buys sells info. Who is supporting it, what analysts, volume- I can’t fail. I have 2 teens and no income!!!

  • Lou Blacksail : I would love your help. I saw reed sky rocketed again today. I've been following it for almost a month. bought 100 shares on one profile. I use like 8-9 apps and I could sign you up for some you arent using if possible. I've got to (like you when we first met here) get more equity into my accounts before this bubble coming up.

  • curtaincall : Nice play

  • PREMOSULTRAA Feel_Fear_to_LIVE楼主: You did a good job and will do it better.

  • Lou Blacksail Feel_Fear_to_LIVE楼主: you got this! you're doing well so far and have acquired some good followers also. I know @curtaincall is rad.

Feel the fear & do it anyway New - not afraid S w/ 2 girls