This is an excellent broker but you need a cash account, because many traders do not have $ 25k to trade without day trade restrictions. It must also be competitive and with some differentiating element that makes it attractive; And the first option when someone thinks about opening a cash account and what could most attract is that the funds are settled immediately, it would be a plus and would have a tremendous acceptance. Greetings and I hope you take it into account!

Team moomoo : Hi there, we appreciate your feedback and insight, we are happy to let you know that we have put cash account into serious consideration, and are working to improve settlement period. Please stay tuned
Chhavin : 对现金账户进行跟进。这种现金大扫除相当令人困惑,还要注意在进行交易时有现金和可购买的保证金,我真的不明白。如果正在使用现金,则应将其视为现金账户,不应将日间交易计算在内。