Earnings result and price are not necessarily have positive correlation. If it's a blowout earnings, it usually surges before it released then falls. If it's a bad earnings, it may fall ahead then ppl buy the dip and make it rise. When good news are all out, it became bad news vice versa
curtaincall : Earnings result and price are not necessarily have positive correlation. If it's a blowout earnings, it usually surges before it released then falls. If it's a bad earnings, it may fall ahead then ppl buy the dip and make it rise. When good news are all out, it became bad news vice versa
BuyTeslaYouFool : 哈哈我感觉就像世界上有没有人对这家公司的估值比这个贷款消息发布之前的水平高得多?...
James0180 楼主 BuyTeslaYouFool : Exactly!!! Too many people bought at $60 and trying to average down I guess.
BuyTeslaYouFool James0180 楼主 : That was my theory