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[Moo Selected] These Are Better Than Thanksgiving Turkeys
Happy Friday Mooers!!!
We hope you have enjoyed your holiday turkey. We are very glad that many mooers joined the discussion under the
THANKSGIVING TOPIC. We have selected some of the best posts to share with the whole Moo community.
Come and read these wonderful sharings from your fellow mooers:
@Scott Faucher "
Not around"
I personally killed it on Monday, slept through the awesome Tuesday morning gains to finally arrive to chase 50.00 not worth a day trade...
@Army Veteran "
What this year has brought me is the understanding of the things most people seem to forget, including myself the gift of life!
@TheMunozShow "
Thankful for self-growth"
I started investing 3 years ago. It's been a wild ride of self-development and I genuinely believe the stock market has pushed me to become a better person.
@LiiZdeLa "
I am very thankful that #MooMoo has such a tight community with such an awesome support team that truly seems to care about each and every one of us the same.
@70035976 "
Thanksgiving Event"
For the moomoo crunch to have a news and event posing as fast as(sometime faster than) the Bloomberg terminal.
There are too many wonderful posts to show them one by one.
We hope you find these posts inspiring and useful.
We once again thank all mooers who have been supportive to the moo community and family. We looking forward to see more and more outstanding sharings and posts from mooers.
With Mooers, everyday is Thanksgiving Day.
免责声明:此内容由Moomoo Technologies Inc.提供,仅用于信息交流和教育目的。
curtaincall : 感谢你主持这个话题,它为这个社区提供了更多的人性化能力![强 [强]](https://static.moomoo.com/nnq/emoji/static/image/default/default-black.png?imageMogr2/thumbnail/36x36)
活个趣儿 : 很多并不专业的自媒体人凭借自身的股票分析也可以有众多fans,其实Moomoo 更有优势建立类似的群,有英文版和中文版,把炒股和日常生活中的感悟结合起来,避免枯燥乏味,也多一个乐趣和兴趣交流平台,相信Moomoo 吸引的成员越来越多,收获财富的同时,也多多乐趣。
KLaue 活个趣儿 : 确实如此,不过作为一个平台不像财经博主那么自由发表见解,moomoo在引导氛围上已经做得不错了,希望大家常交流![握手 [握手]](https://static.moomoo.com/nnq/emoji/static/image/default/default-black.png?imageMogr2/thumbnail/36x36)
活个趣儿 KLaue : 我是刚刚朋友介绍,选择在Moomoo开户,感觉很不错,希望多交流,切磋,抒发感悟,获得启发
Field of Greens : 想看看场外交易的可用性。
bodoni100 : 希望能住在加拿大的小伙伴们也可以早日在这里开户。希望Moomoo 可以越来越好。